Have we forgotten these elected politicians are "Public Servants" Elected by the people...to serve the people? Elected to uphold the United States Constitution and what it stands for?
The time is over due for the American People to make their stand against the filth and corruption that has infested our Government.
Are George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Thomas Jefferson rolling in their graves right now? You think these men of Honor could appreciate the shenanigans of the Bush Administration?
Most important....how do you think these fine Patriots would feel about the Spineless American Society of today just sitting on their assses...too lazy to make a stand against a Regime that stole it’s way into office, staged a terror campaign, and invaded a sovereign nation to plunder it’s
The time is drawing near. The time to stand tall. To stand up for what our grandparents have fought so hard to defend. To fight for a legacy we can pass on to our children
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