I remember hearing my dad have this conversation with a guy named George:
G: So, what's the secret to a happy marriage?
D: Just make sure you park your car in your own garage every night.
G: Ah yes, but the trouble is all garages look the same when you're drunk.
D: Ah yes, but only your key will fit the lock.
G: True, but you can always get a lock smith.
D: You can't always find a lock smith when you need one.
G: Just look in the Yellow Pages.
D: Sometimes people rip pages out of the Yellow Pages.
G: Why, that's what photocopiers are for.
D: Yes, but photocopiers can run out of ink.
G: You can always buy more ink.
This cutting wit continue for another ten minutes or so until nobody in the office (including our two protagonists) had any idea what either of them were talking about.
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