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Trinidad & Tobago

[Selected]: All categories Travel Caribbean Trinidad & Tobago

I wish you all christmas cheer and lots of love
for the New Year.

2007-12-25 04:30:59 · 14 answers · asked by Ocean C 5

that you wish would stop? I am talking in terms of people in general, and things they do, and habits some people have.

2007-10-31 05:41:07 · 3 answers · asked by fyoochia 1

Oh and guys how are you going - I have to post this question like this to investiquire about the triniposse

2007-10-31 01:18:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-19 03:17:03 · 7 answers · asked by realstylesint'l 5

They should ship either air freight or ocean freight and get there in a weeks time. (shipping a large box that weights about 65-80lbs.

2007-10-18 07:59:59 · 10 answers · asked by heartbroken 2

It may sound a little rediculous, but I really didn't know.... Is it true that when they say the phone is unlocked in the US, you still have to unlock it in Trini? Because I always thought that when they said its unlocked, I no longer have to worry about doing that, its just to slip my SIM card in when I get home & ah good to go... Trini possey.... a little help on this matter please.... Thanks......lol

2007-09-25 14:37:17 · 6 answers · asked by Lue 2

Lemme explain further ,i have been in a relationship for the past 3 years and there have been occasions where i suspected that she has /have been cheating on me ,this i saw with my own eyes and also she have been doing some strange things that my work colleagues have been questioning the nature of our relationship.I have just realized that she has been having explicit internet chat with a guy and they are planning to meet next month .Personally i dont mind whatever she does now but it showed me that this was in the works even when we were together and i am feeling very hurt and depressed right now

2007-09-15 01:36:50 · 11 answers · asked by alist 2

Good morning everyone I hope all is well and that you have yourself a very good day.

2007-09-10 02:48:56 · 18 answers · asked by Ocean C 5

2007-09-01 20:14:13 · 13 answers · asked by Omer M 1

If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the
body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your
life, which would you want and why?

2007-08-29 05:29:09 · 27 answers · asked by Jouvert 5

my best three was
1.sesame street -not a cartoon but my evening centered around it

2.He-man -ah even had de sword an thought ah could change too

3.tom an jerry - loved de show still watch it

2007-08-21 04:45:44 · 28 answers · asked by alist 2

Greetings, Trini Posse, and fellow Caribbean people. I come into this forum sometimes to see what's up, or as yall say "de scene." Anyway I would like yall to look at a question that I posted in the music catergory and tell me what you guys think of it.

The reason why this post is here in the Trinidad and Tobago section, is because I notice how alot of people here like or should I say love soca/calyspo music. What I am trying to do basically is to have yahoo! answers consider putting a reggae section, and a calyspo/soca section as another catergory under the music section. I know T&T is known for some of the biggest acts in soca music (Machel, Destra, etc, etc.)

Sometimes we have questions about songs in those genres and we don't get as much responses as someone who would ask about a hip-hop, or r&b song, or sometimes we don't get responses as all.

2007-08-15 08:27:37 · 6 answers · asked by Sa_San 6

Posee- let me hear from allyuh..

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself..

I am:

Open Minded
A tad bit feisty
Cute :)

2007-08-03 11:18:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-01 05:38:14 · 7 answers · asked by Tiger 2

World Cup Travel.

At the station, 3 Jamaicans buy a ticket each and watch as 3 Trinis buy just one ticket for them all.

'How allyuh going on only one ticket?' asks one of the Jamaicans

'Watch an' see nah,' answers one of the Trinis.

They all board the train. The Jamaicans take their respective seats but all three Trinis cram into a toilet and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train departs, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and says 'Ticket please.'

The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. The Jamaicans see this and agree it was quite a clever idea. So after the game, they decide to copy the Trinis style on the return trip and save some money.

When they get to the station, they buy one ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the Trinis don't buy a ticket at all!!!

'Whey boy! Whah happen tuh all yuh? How all yuh travelling wit

2007-07-30 00:12:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine is a combination of my grandmother's name and my favorite TV Character - Izzy=Isabelle (grey's anatomy) and the B is for Biko - Steve Biko - South African freedom fighther who I admire

2007-07-19 06:48:06 · 27 answers · asked by Izzy B 3

Is Guyanese Queen ...not you Guyanese Sunshine..we like you...you is part ah we famaly -
GQ is just a black sheep.
is the one who hate trinis..she's the one flagging our questions and getting them taken off. Who else have beef with we? but ah do some maccoiing ....ah mean investigating.. go and look back at one of the questions she asked...something about going to the emergency room and HIV tests..see why she vex? is some man she deal with now she scared and vex with we...
Wrap it up the next time sis...

ah bad eh? let's see how long it takes to get this question taken off..it's now 1:30 PM..GQ where yuh???

2007-07-16 06:33:31 · 11 answers · asked by Izzy B 3

Does anyone know what ever happened to Stepha Henry? Did they ever find her? I'm not hearing anything about her story..

2007-07-15 02:13:51 · 3 answers · asked by ƒ®îgg Üþ ©hî¢ ®™ 1

I new to dis Trini forum..how dis ting does work? wha vibes..but I lookin fuh meh baby.. somebody tell meh she does be on dis yahoo trini forum sometimes..Frigg Up..whey yuh babeee..my sweet sweet doo doo dumplin curry bottom dougla choonkaloonks.. yuh eh kno yuh dulaha missin yuh? How yuh treatin meh so gyul? Yuh have meh reall tootoolbay fuh yuh ..I have tabanca bad bad.. I cyah sleep,cyah eat, is only u I studyin when I on work..whey yuh babeeee.. Yuh eh kno I missin yuh..whey yuh babyyy.. link meh nah..

2007-07-08 06:18:07 · 8 answers · asked by Ramhit_D_Hitman 1

Or should I say, what was for lunch.
I had CooCoo, Stewed Red Snapper and Callaloo, it was really good.

The kids wanted some Provisions with it, so I boiled some Dasheen, Cassava and Eddoes.
Let me hear what everyone had for lunch?

2007-07-06 14:39:37 · 9 answers · asked by trini 2

Top 10 Reasons For Wanting To Be Trini

1) Trini Carnival - The greatest Show on Earth
2) Dwight, Brian, Wendy, Machel, Ato
3) Steel pan gone Worldwide
4) We does talk english good n ting
5) Is the land of holidays
6) Liming is the National Pastime
7) We perfected Bacchanal
8) Everybody know everything
9) All ah we is One
10) Food...'nuff said

Trinibago Quiz

You're a Trini living abroad for a considerable amount of years and you're probably wondering if you still have that sweet Trini thing about you. To find out, get your pen and paper and take this short quiz.

1. You're downtown and a fight breaks out. You have your cell phone. Do you:

a. Not get involved?
b. Call 911?
c. Call 999?
d. Call your macomere and give a ball-by-ball commentary?

2. You tell a friend "ah coming back jus now". Do you:

a. Return in five minutes?
b. Return a few hours later?
c. Do not return but call the next day to apologise?
d. Do not return and clean forget about your friend?

3. A friend asks you, "How you going?" You reply:

a. "I am not going anywhere."
b. "I good"
c. "Not good." Then proceed to disclose you world of worries.
d. "How you going?"

4. A test is:

a. An examination at the end of a course of study.
b. Cricket.
c. A man who makes you cuss everyday.
d. A woman who "ties up your head."

5. You see money on the ground and you:

a. Pick it up and carry it to the police.
b. Pick it up and try to find the owner.
c. Pick it up saying, "Finders keepers."
d. Leave it right there because "it have Obeah on it."

6. You're very hungry after the fete. You run into KFC and there is a long line. You:

a. Wait patiently in the line.
b. Find another source of food.
c. Go home hungry belly.
d. Cuss down the place, shouting "the service too XXXXing slow."

7. What is cole?

a. The last name of American Crooner Nat "King" Cole.
b. The thing that comes before slaw.
c. Local word for the common cold.
d. Inefficiency in bed.

8. A friend gives you a hot piece of news. You say:

a. You're kidding!
b. By golly!
c. Doh talk stupidness nah!
d. Yuh lie!

9. The item you bought is faulty. The store does not want to exchange or refund.

a. You ask for the manager and explain your case calmly and persistently.
b. You leave angry and defeated.
c. You report them to Consumer Affairs.
d. You leave angrily telling them that you're going to tell everybody you know to stop buying from them and their shop going to close down.

10. Your pet dog's name is:

a. Duchess
b. Elli
c. Rover
d. The same as the neighbour you fall out with.


If you chose "d" ten times, you deserve the Trinity Cross.
If you chose "d" over seven times, you are a Trini to the bone.
If you chose "b or c" over six times, book a vacation home. You need a recharge.
If you chose ''a" more than two times, we are forced to ask, "who you feel you is?"

2007-07-03 18:02:49 · 8 answers · asked by ƒ®îgg Üþ ©hî¢ ®™ 1

2007-07-03 10:31:46 · 15 answers · asked by Yarnlady_needsyarn 7

In reference to the question posted about who is a Trini in this section, I'm wondering - where in the world are you? Just curious - no need for exact details - but tell me your city and state, or if you're somewhere far like Aberdeen or Iceland! You know they say in every good thing there is a Trini!!

I'm in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

2007-05-04 09:55:40 · 19 answers · asked by Lady B 1

I live in Trindad and Tobago in the Caribbean and I plan to travel to Japan in the summer.

2007-04-21 11:59:25 · 5 answers · asked by nicojoseph 1

.....what happened in Virgina Tec. could happen in Trinidad????

2007-04-18 14:49:55 · 10 answers · asked by Doc 3

My best friend is getting married in Tobago and we're organizing the wedding from the US - but we have no idea how much we should budget for a centerpiece. Is $100 TT too much or too little?

2007-03-27 10:22:10 · 5 answers · asked by Shayna 1

While I love Trinidad with all my soul - my latest visit back really opened my eyes to how ugly the political scene is there. Coming from Canada - I'm used to the political divide being left - right.. not race based.

Saddened me - becuae I always though of T+T to be some fantastic "one love" kinda melting pot..

what do you think - is there hope of breaking the two party strangelhold as it is today??

2007-03-26 06:56:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know to get a tourist visa to enter the US from Trinidad and Tobago you do need a bank statement, and a letter from the person you are visisting. A friend wants to come to visit for two or three weeks in the US and they said the embassy said they need a bank statement showing they have 10,000 TTs or around 1,500 USD to get a visa for the two to three week vacation.

We were going to go half on the plane ticket and other than that, money was never asked for so I'm wondering if this is procedure or not and what other documents/fees are associated with getting a tourist visa into the US.

Also, MY bank statement suffice?

2007-03-26 06:49:59 · 3 answers · asked by heather 2

2007-03-25 05:18:10 · 5 answers · asked by eyez_2cu 1

I don't think the younger heads know to much about this.

2007-03-23 08:22:41 · 2 answers · asked by Trinisoccer 5