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[Selected]: All categories Sports Football (American)

2007-12-02 04:42:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-02 04:39:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous 3

My opinion, the top five most dangerous players in nfl now are:

1. Tom Brady

2. Devin Hester

3. Randy Moss

4. Adrian Peterson

5. Brain Westbrook

2007-12-02 04:34:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean I am a huge Bengals fan and this so called defense specialist has the worst D in the leauge. He is getting better at controlling players but he still can't compleltly controll players. It doesnt help that our GM knows more about how much money he makes selling hot dogs than what the names of his players are!

P.S. Please, please do not start a flaming thread if you don't like the bengals don't answer... Simple as that!

2007-12-02 04:31:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i kno many of u will disagree with this but:

i think UGA should go against osu in the nc. if #3 moves up, y not #4 too? if its not OSU VS. UGA, thatll be so @#$%-ing unfair to UGA.sure we lost to USC AND TENN but we had off days. stafford threw high and we were playin flat. we're an emotional team. if we dont have a spark of energy (liike celabration or blackouts) theres a chance we'll play flat. but look at the positives, mark richt has so many tricks up his sleeves to get us excited and we beat th e(pardon my french) **** out of flordia and auburn!! i think UGA should definitely go. OSU VS. UGA!!!! c'mon. its fair, right. the reason we didnt go to the SEC champ. is cuz kentucky and vandy culdnt beat TENN for us. we wulda whipped LSU so bad!! LSU is overrated, they dont deserve the NC!!!

you kno its fair....1 and 2 lose, 3 and 4 should move up!!! i kno there a lot of other teams that culd go but i believe that it shuld b OSU AND UGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINAL!

2007-12-02 04:30:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-02 04:26:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I go for Atlanta?

2007-12-02 04:23:34 · 6 answers · asked by Joe W 1

i admit this is likely but there's not one decent matchup in there. the football gods (Odin, Thor, Loki etc) should intervine and make USC play Georgia


2007-12-02 04:17:57 · 16 answers · asked by gherd 4

i am top football scientist.

2007-12-02 04:11:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say Pittsburgh wins

2007-12-02 04:09:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

when the NCAA brought in this HORRIBLE plan BCS to sort out teams to play for the National Championship..they added a clause for a "smaller" school; this yr its Hawaii.why even include EVERY team in this BCS senario...cuz its VERY clear to me that this would be the yr that a 13-0 "small" school could go to the Title game....crazy yr,so instead of taking a 13-0 team,with a heisman canidate QB ( that beat 2 top 20 teams...6 bowl teams) they are gonna take a 2 loss team...i know LSU,Goergia,VaTech would probably beat Hawaii..but im starting to think Hawaii deserves to go UNDER the current BCS ,any team has a chance format ( unless the BCS has been lying all along) im a Michigan fan but Hawaii should go based on UNDEAFTED and no one else is..

2007-12-02 04:06:52 · 4 answers · asked by ralphgoblue 5

think about it. only in america can something as lazy and unprofessional as a sleeveless hoodie be a style,only in america is it ok to cheat, is there enough greed to throw hail marys when up by 35,only in america can a man have a purse and only in america can a fruitcake be a superstar. Are they really america's team?

2007-12-02 03:59:21 · 18 answers · asked by pats suck 2

2007-12-02 03:50:14 · 5 answers · asked by john 5

I haven't seen them ask any football questions in a while. They sent me a private message, and I was going to respond, but they haven't been around.

Anyone here seen them?

2007-12-02 03:47:12 · 2 answers · asked by johnsmith2025 ( Cavs Fan ) 7

Do you think Tebow will most likly go back to back or maybe Colt McCoy of even Matt Sanchez. Even Kevin Smith from UCF, who is about to beat Barry Sanders record for most rushing yards in a season. Sam Bradford would most likley be the favorite.

2007-12-02 03:40:51 · 5 answers · asked by Justin P 1

I know nothing's official yet. But do you think Ohio State will, 100%, be playing in the National Championship game? The opponent is unknown.. but do you think there's anyone that might kick OSU out of the running.. ?

2007-12-02 03:37:20 · 21 answers · asked by music123 1

NOT who do you think SHOULD play them, but who do you think WILL play them?

2007-12-02 03:36:34 · 13 answers · asked by BIGD 3

I choose
Ohio state vs Hawaii

2007-12-02 03:35:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Theres this boy i like and he's on the football team and everything, i would like to learn a bit about football to have something to talk to him about...

2007-12-02 03:32:04 · 8 answers · asked by DopeSickGirl 2

I'm not asking if they should have had it taken along with the first rounder they lost for Spygate. Basically I'm asking if there was any way that the NFL could have taken that other one away when it was a deal between the 9ers and Pats. Does the NFL itself (Goodell in particular) have any power over those kinds of deals?

2007-12-02 03:24:48 · 5 answers · asked by Blake B 4

They have EARNED their shot at playing for the title. I'm a Big 12 fan so I have no agenda of putting a plug in for them. They did what every other team didn't do. They took care of business. They have one loss and yes they did have a weaker schedule than some schools. Get over it. Sometimes it works out that way. They have earned their shot and that is that.
I agree w/ somebody else's post that I think they can get it done in the title game. I think they would beat a team like LSU or Vt. I think if they had to play UGA or OU they may lose but it will not be a blow out like last year. They remember what happened last year. They have one of the best coaches and an impeccable record in BCS bowl games.

2007-12-02 02:51:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-02 02:48:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why kind of sport takes polls to determine who their champions might be? College football should have a playoffs to determine the champs. Ohio State will play in the championship, and they haven't played a game since the 17th, that is just pathetic.

2007-12-02 02:45:12 · 17 answers · asked by jm42445 5

2007-12-02 02:43:50 · 7 answers · asked by YoThe Homie 1

I know their is a lot of anti buckeyes out there, but seriously why don't they deserve the title shot this year? Is it because they were number one and fell? Well that seems to be the way the BCS worked this year for all of the number ones, so that cant be it.
Is it because they are 11-1, well then Hawaii should be number one then, but the BCS is clearly looking the other way when it comes to Hawaii. So it can’t be that they are 11-1.

They do have the best record in the big 10, they did battle their way to number 1, they did hold number one for most of the season, and they did out score most of their opponents by 21 points. And if you want to bring up the strength of the schedule, well then go jump in a uniform and play with them, they played some excellent teams this season, and yes I know they lost to Illinois, but everyone else has lost at least one also.

Ohio State is not weak, they didn’t have a poor schedule, and THEY ARE very deserving of the BCS title game.

2007-12-02 02:28:50 · 19 answers · asked by Raven 2

It seems to me that the Cowboys should have won by a greater margin and more decisive than they did since the Pack was missing a Key CB and lineman and one O-line man was hurt. I'm not making excuses for the Pack but obviously the Cowboys didn't have the game sown up until the last 5 minutes of the game.

2007-12-02 01:47:22 · 9 answers · asked by Keith 4