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Other - Society & Culture - 28 December 2007

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2007-12-28 03:47:26 · 3 answers · asked by deejayphysics 1

Daily I hear of murder and torture from the Middle East and perpatrated by our (the Wests) agents. Who could be so sub-human as to damage another human being? How do they live with themselves?
When I think of the atrocities carried out every day by yours and my people I want to blast them all to kingdom come. I understand that this is also bad and sometimes think that we all deserve destruction. How did it get to this? Please tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this way..

2007-12-28 03:43:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an opp through my employer to request a transfer to one of these states.

This is what I know.
Oregon: Job would be in Portland. Great scenery, clean air and water, probably the highest quality of life of the five locales, decent people, close to Seattle, no sales tax.

Texas: Currently first pick. Would be in San Antonio. Hill Country, very clean, no income tax, people are great, some of the nicest looking women I've seen, ATX nearby.

Kentucky: would be at Ft. Knox near Louisville. The cost of living is cheap, low crime. I've never been treated nicely there; bad attitudes. I guess if I listened to country music all day, had dirty roadsides and lousy weather I'd be depressed, too.

Tennessee: would be in Nashville, a great city! Beautiful state, nice highways, great recreational opps, friendly folk. Closest to my home state.

New York: would be in Manhattan. Like the people, fast pace, and can-do will-do attitude. It's its own universe! But the cost of living...whoa

2007-12-28 03:12:49 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am writing an essay about war for my As level religious studies. if anyone can help me with the answer it would be greatly appreciated


2007-12-28 02:41:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Apparently, circumcision is more often done in the US than anywhere else on earth. Jews and Muslims are routinely circumcised - but most men aren't. For those of you ladies who have been with both types, which do you prefer and why? Thanks.

2007-12-28 02:30:27 · 8 answers · asked by BreadCollision 1

I bought my brother 4 bottles of imported larger and a cheese and wine set. He's an alcoholic. Do you think I shouldn't buy him gifts like this? He's 50 and lives about 100 miles from me. We don't get to see each other very much. I don't really know what else he's in to. Drugs and alcohol and sex seems to be his main interests. I don't know of any other hobbies. He's divorced and his 4 kids won't have anything to do with him because of his drinking.

2007-12-28 01:57:44 · 12 answers · asked by purplepeace59 5

For those of us who have cars that are slightly dodgy, many of them have a trick.

For example with our car now, you have to push in the door handle both inside and out (manually) or the door will not close. A friend had a car where the front windows would not roll up completely and when it rained you had to pull them up and hold them up with your hands.

Does your car have a 'trick'

2007-12-28 01:38:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw this girl writing about be on Skype to another colleague, was very rude, untruthful and blatantly nasty. I was a little naugty and read the full transcrip when she was out of the office. What should I do? Should I confront her? Report her? Or just leave it?

2007-12-28 01:37:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-28 01:27:23 · 18 answers · asked by zoezeph 4

What is your most interesting story behind a car accident you were involved in.

I hit another car this week because I was distracted looking at a car accident. While I was getting a ticket from the police officer another accident occured 50 feet away for the same reason. - At least the police officer didn't have to move his cruiser for an hour.

2007-12-28 01:27:10 · 2 answers · asked by brendan- da man and da myth 3

Did you ever notice : someone blows their nose into a hanky and then they look inside the hanky. Same thing with people that finish slurpping a drink in a paper cup and take the lid off to look inside. Someone takes a poop and they have to take a look at the bowl. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ? Did you misplace a $5 bill and you think it ended up there ?

2007-12-28 01:03:26 · 3 answers · asked by brendan- da man and da myth 3

Can a person overcame it?

2007-12-28 00:54:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I work in a computer shop and last night i came up with a theory. I reckon that out of 10 guys who walk in to the shop, 3 of them will not ask me for help or if i try to help them they'd say i'm just looking. and 2 mins later one of the guys walks up to them and they happily buy from them.
so i put my theory to the test today and yup, guess what?!! i made a tally sheet and it was exact. i've worked my butt off to be where i am. i was in admin & now i'm in sales and this issue is pissing me off and affecting my sales.
Does any one else have the same problem?

Guys be honest. how many of you would rather talk to a guy about technical stuff than a girl? by the way some women do it too.
the other thing is that i've been there longer than any of the guys and i know more about any of the procedures than anyone else. the managers always ask me to train the new people. and don't say be more assertive, it's not my fault that people still live in the past century.

2007-12-28 00:28:33 · 4 answers · asked by nuggeteli 4

2007-12-28 00:12:11 · 21 answers · asked by gone 6

2007-12-28 00:06:30 · 12 answers · asked by . 5