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Other - Society & Culture - 28 March 2007

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Does ANYONE have ANY rumor stories. I am in a Conflict Managment program and i need 5 rumors to act out. Please make them up about these 5 topics or something else: ps make it juicy! we are performing an informational assembly for 6, 7 and 8th graders about rumors, bullying, racism, adn alot of other things.


2007-03-28 13:03:29 · 1 answers · asked by lulu 2

Many people tithe, something like 6% of evangelical Christians in the US. But many millions more tithe and/or give money to no-profits and/or volunteer, contribute to food banks, etc. The Hindu and Muslim peoples also care for those in need. I'm trying to determine a round number or percentage of US and/or global population that would be a fair assessment of the people who give in these ways. Please advise and provide some sources, if possible. I believe this is a very important number for us to know in regarding the civility and spirituality of peoples in their core beliefs and actions both at home and abroad. Thank you, William Superluminal

2007-03-28 13:03:14 · 2 answers · asked by William Superluminal 1

It gives them what we take for granted......AN EDUACATION!!

2007-03-28 13:01:58 · 8 answers · asked by Izsk8tr17 1

explain the effect of conservatism in 1848.

2007-03-28 13:01:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you label a girl who is smart, pretty, athletic, knows right from wrong, and is a true christian? I know labeling is wrong but what is your opinion? can anyone label this kind of girl? go ahead try

2007-03-28 12:58:47 · 19 answers · asked by Girl 2

I really need suggestions for a costume I can where to my school's "S. Dance" (s for spring). Everyone has to come dressed as something that starts with s and their costume has to be school appropriate. Thank's for your help!

2007-03-28 12:57:51 · 14 answers · asked by calliegal 1

2007-03-28 12:57:50 · 8 answers · asked by CH3Y3NN3♱D∆RLING 2

2007-03-28 12:55:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-28 12:53:19 · 16 answers · asked by Apeman 4

i need some ideas to make this spring break fun for me and some friends.

2007-03-28 12:51:23 · 4 answers · asked by --ever-after-him-- 2

So for instance my friend keeps telling me that her brother who happens to be a genius that she is stupid, can not think, and should not go to college. So shall she believe this. Thus college is only for the smart people?

2007-03-28 12:47:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it so hard to live in a quiet nice place i try and try to make sure i dont miss any work make sure i get everything right but im always wrong or somethings not right i just wanna be able to earn some money to live how come im the only one who worries about grades how come nobody concerns about their grade how come yelling is all they do i dont even wanna be here why do i have to stick in this hell why is it that everyone else is just good and fine like theyve been doing it for century but not me how come they are just good and im just bad how come miracle doesn happen to me why is it always that i have to be quiet thin girl who always get raped everyday and never tell anybody cuz nobody cares why does it have to be this way why am i not part of the "majority" why isn there anything i can do to help myself why?

2007-03-28 12:44:06 · 1 answers · asked by hislyfsux 1

What do you think of when you think of people who raise cattle? This is for a research project. Thank you for responding.

2007-03-28 12:38:28 · 2 answers · asked by ? 4

I need some pranks I can do on my friends. I plan to prank them after my church's lunch(I will still be in the church). I want really hilarious pranks!!! :)

2007-03-28 12:37:17 · 1 answers · asked by Lizzie 2

I would love to hear from people who want to live this life CHILDLESS, like myself. I am not interested in hearing from neo nazi coo-ing mom types who think I am crazy for not wanting ANYTHING to do with having children. I assure you I am NOT crazy, I LOVE my life the way it is, and I am very fulfilled with my life so MOM's please disregard this question, it is NOT for you. Thanks other child free answerers...

2007-03-28 12:31:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It brings a tear to my eye to see the type of world we live in. There is so much unfair killing and prejudice in the world. What can we do to make our world a better place and how can people of different races and religions live peacefully together as human beings ?

2007-03-28 12:27:45 · 16 answers · asked by Aziz 2 1

say goodnight everyone.

2007-03-28 12:24:48 · 5 answers · asked by LYNDA M 5

To know for a fact (from years of experience) that black people are horrible tippers? I have black friends, and I've never been one to feed stereotypes, but it's just TRUE. Then again, maybe all the black people I've waited on have just thought I sucked something awful...so bad that they wouldn't even leave 5%.

2007-03-28 12:24:13 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

act like they deserve a medal for becoming sober. if they hadn't abused the stuff in the first place they wouldn't have to get over it.

2007-03-28 12:17:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

That's all that matters, really.

2007-03-28 12:15:01 · 3 answers · asked by Roland 4

Tell me as much information of Lewis and Clark you know plz cause I ddnt get to copy the notes about them in class. Just any info would be fine thanks

2007-03-28 12:13:33 · 7 answers · asked by Cero 4

Think we're all getting a lit bit spoilt by so much opportunity to interact? For a fleeting second there I thought I was lonely. But then I realised I've got loads of friends and have only been alone for two hours. Between real life interaction, having my mobile on me always, sites like this and myspace and bebo... it's almost like I've forgotten to be on my own with my own thoughts. Even if I'm drawing I often have to listen to the radio in the background just so I'm still part of something bigger. My own music is too isolated. It's the middle of the night and here I am, seeking out more people to play with. Does anyone else feel like this? I think it's really interesting.

2007-03-28 12:09:32 · 2 answers · asked by spiralling 3

i have a phobia of bees (which i dont know what the name is so if anyone knows i would appreciate it if they tell me the name) and also i have a phobia for being in an enclosed space with many people, i get nervous and start sweating and so on... whats the name of that, if there is.... so yea whats your phobia

2007-03-28 12:00:05 · 12 answers · asked by nickname 4

How would your day look?
Me? I'd pretty much watch tv, mainly soaps. And play on the net.

2007-03-28 11:58:22 · 5 answers · asked by veggie eater 2

After the U.S and England Saved Frace for the Nazi 2 time they hate them. After all The U.S and the U.K have done for the world France hates them. Why do they.

2007-03-28 11:56:17 · 12 answers · asked by Bob 2

2007-03-28 11:56:03 · 2 answers · asked by Dingbat O'Giddy 2

Anything worth mentioning? Did you make somebody's day? Did you get in a fight? Did you achieve something extraordinary? ... or was it just a day not worth talking about?

2007-03-28 11:40:59 · 14 answers · asked by Lexi 2


2007-03-28 11:38:31 · 7 answers · asked by alicat01960 2

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