I stumbled upon this site in Wikipedia and read on. My question is this: is this racist or a fact?
These Wiki articles tell me that on average East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are the groups of peoples with the highest IQs and those with the lowest are Africans (still living in Africa), especially Sub-Saharan Africa. These were the given results from univiersities and qualified persons. It states that on average African (living in Africa) have very low IQs (60-80) in comparison to East Asians who all score over 100 IQ.
To think of it, it makes sense in a way. How else would one explain the lack of technological milestones in Africa (even in the times before Europeans came to Africa, a popular excuse to explain this by some)? No scientists, no machines or inventors, no philosophers, no doctors, etc.
Please look at the links before labelling me as another ignorant racist because if you don't you will not be able to understand what I'm asking here.
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teh @nn0y3d kItteh (^_^)