dear ghost hunters.let me tell you abount a young man name joshua. he was killed by 15 year old drunk driver.i pray for my son that night.i all most lost my mind; well i went into his room that night,i pray for a sing that god gave me i ask for white birds, everone left and out of no where 'my husband pulled out a angel it had 3 white birds on it.later i found out my friend daughter put the angel in a plant she sent too us; she told her daughter to put somethine nice in the plant so she put the angel with the three white birds,what a great gift from god, but what i would like too know is how to get voice tape recording , you see joshua when he was 4 he saw a ghost, he told me it was the holy ghost, i belive he saw a angel,also we live in a real bad place. joshua saw a devil,it was in the day time ,he was 17 about the time.he told me and his dad what he saw it scared him real bad. but becase of the gift i know joshua is ok. so can you help me ;i love maybe too get his voice on tape .
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god gift