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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

It was given to me as an answer to one of my questions..can you ellaborate it for me..thanks folks!

2006-08-24 15:37:10 · 7 answers · asked by Student 2

And I have known that they are backfighters from one of my friends whenever i am not with them,they are always asking me favors but i cannot provide!How would you feel if you are in my situation?

2006-08-24 15:14:15 · 8 answers · asked by Bruno 1

Oppose to the way we live our lives? I do because we are on here to enjoy ourselves not to put up with their ignorance. Replies from my GLBT family only!!!!!!

2006-08-24 14:58:40 · 22 answers · asked by Necole 3

I'll probably get roasted fo this but WTH!..I been in trouble ALL my life.. I just never been caught..lol SO, I have to ask..lol.. I don't agree with this kind of thing exactly but if the shoe fits?.personally I find hilariously inapproprate.. so go here see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exDo2SMdB-0 and tell me what you think?

2006-08-24 14:54:36 · 13 answers · asked by TimeWastersInc 6

2006-08-24 14:52:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

just wondering

2006-08-24 14:47:51 · 2 answers · asked by sexygal8321 4

2006-08-24 14:05:44 · 9 answers · asked by rainingyoungboys 1

there i said it is there any hot chicks out there looking for a hot babe such as my self

2006-08-24 14:04:04 · 16 answers · asked by ♫glassmask♫ 2

I'm wondering. I've had a strap on plastic dick years ago with my g/f but we only used it like once, and then when we separated I got rid of it. I was wondering if that is something that lesbians use? I GUESS it's more like bisexual women who use it, is this correct? If you use it, do you like it because its a girl who does it to you?


2006-08-24 14:01:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Definitely, Yes.

A lesbian and a straight woman: Almost impossible.
A gay guy and a straight guy: Very impossible, not at all possible - The gay guy would be pronounced dead.

2006-08-24 13:53:31 · 45 answers · asked by fieldscharlie 1

do you?

2006-08-24 13:53:12 · 8 answers · asked by lol!?? 3

MTF transsexual, and I'm under 18. How do I come out to my parents and how do most parents react?

2006-08-24 13:37:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 15 year old boy and get v. horny to 'gay' porn nore dan straight porn , but, wen i tink bout doin any o dat gay stuff i feel sick like i neva gona do any o dat, ever!
Am i gay??? r do i jus not like strate porn??

2006-08-24 12:58:33 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have alott of gaye friends
they are really cool and nice
and i have no problem with them
but alott of people at my school do
i think its wrong to judge people
andd i HATE the way the church says that gaye people choose to be gaye
i dont think God judges
how do you feel on this?

2006-08-24 12:46:03 · 18 answers · asked by x3holdaloverclose 2

are you guys offend by any of the above

2006-08-24 12:45:28 · 15 answers · asked by cobra75 2

Besides Brokeback Mountain. Yeah, I know it's been asked before, but just humor me! :-)

2006-08-24 12:33:36 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was interested in having children with my lover...and i didnt want to adopt. i want to experience the real birthing process. Comments or advice?

2006-08-24 12:31:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you had sex with someone and they told you later that they were HIV positive-as in, they knew at the time, and exposed you several times before telling you.

2006-08-24 12:25:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love my good guys, so don’t get it twisted.

Almost all the gays guys that I come across seeing on television speak with a lisp. I mean no offense, but a guy who speaks with a lisp (not that there’s anything wrong with it) is a bit bothersome. There are guys who try to hide the lisp, but you know that they have a little bit of a drag queen performer up in them.

2006-08-24 11:45:52 · 21 answers · asked by fieldscharlie 1

See everyone can come on here and you know chances are you are going to find someone who is gay/lesbian/bi/transgender…. Its easy for some straight people to come on her and voice there opinions about our life styles… That’s great…You people are like to big bullies who need to pick on the underdogs… I have dirt on you but you have nothing on me… you are merely ghost fighters…You can fight a fight just not on a fair playing field…. Watch out I’m throwing stones at your glass houses…. Why don’t you make a remark and tell us something about your life that you have been judge by???? Or are you all perfect?? NOT>>>

2006-08-24 11:36:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 11:05:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Straight people they were born that way weren't they. Why would they choose that, so many people judging them and going to thier sections of the internet and posting hateful remarks about thier lifestyle. Arent they people just like everyone else,

It's terrible that they can't get married, Bush took away that privilege becasue they spread way to many Stds, prostitution, and aren't they such bad examples for children and thier pornagraphy ohh my is that really what they do. I hope children aren't nurtured to be that way, thats just blasphemous.

I saw a hetero couple last week and they held hands WTF!!! I almost vomited in Target BUT......(wide eye facial expression) I don't have anything against them but seriously no one needs to see that there were KIDS there.

For the straight condemers of Gay people I'm straight and you guys are idiots peace.

Hey Mylife Cheer Up. Don't let these internet roaches get under your skin. They have nothing to live for, nyou got your Family.

2006-08-24 10:47:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people say things with the word "closet"? Like, "coming out of the closet" ... what is up with that? I'm really confused! As a straight person, I feel a bit somewhat sorry that homosexual people have to put up with this ridiculous thing...

Thanks for answers in advance! =)

2006-08-24 10:23:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had this friend that I wronged. We are both seeing someone but developed feelings for each other. We ended up messing around. Anyway, our bf's didn't know and just thought we were good friends. We talked everyday and were very close. We went out (all of us) to the bar. I knew I shouldn't go because I knew I would get jealous seeing him with his bf who is very controlling of him.
We got separated through the night and then started texting each other. He was asking where I was, and now I was drunk and being a jerk and said if he would break his leash he could come find us (me and my bf). Anyway, the drunker I got, the more pissed at him I got for not talking with me even though we all went out together. So, when me and my bf got ready to leave, I found my friend and told his bf everything and tried starting a fight.
I really screwed up and I sent an apology to him. Is it possible for us to ever be friends again? There is more to the story but this is the gist of it.

2006-08-24 10:07:17 · 17 answers · asked by subnova_98 2

I've spent most of the day on Y!Answers and have seen a lot of folks call homosexuals "homos". When I was younger this was a derogatory term but people seem to be usuing it everywhere (not just here on Y!A) and not only in intentionally mean ways. Should I be offended or just get over it?

2006-08-24 10:04:43 · 33 answers · asked by iluvmynotebook 5

Ok, i'm married now, but this question comes from my single friends and from when I was single too? Why do straight women get upset when you hit on them at a gay club? I realize that they go there to keep from getting hit on by men, but they are in a gay club - do they really think "gay" is just fun boys who help pick out clothes? I can't tell that you are straight, gay-dar is really hard to tune when the room is full of us!

2006-08-24 10:04:07 · 9 answers · asked by Alexis 4

I'm new to this ... I cant understand whats the difference between cut and uncut ? ... which is which ?

2006-08-24 09:30:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 09:16:35 · 4 answers · asked by Gregory V 1

I was just wondering? I've heard of men dressing like women, but I have never heard of the reverse.

2006-08-24 08:46:04 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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