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Cultures & Groups - 24 October 2006

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender · Other - Cultures & Groups · People with Disabilities · Senior Citizens

2006-10-24 02:25:30 · 2 answers · asked by anjelica_jae 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Yesterday marked the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and Muslim prisoners were all given specially prepared food to celebrate the day and received an extra £1 phone credit and a special gift.

**** was asked whether Christian prisoners were given an extra £1 phone credit and gifts at Christmas or Easter. The answer was a predictable "no".


Apparently the Governor at the Staffordshire jail has received over 50 complaints from both white and non-Muslim black prisoners about the preferential treatment accorded to Muslims. **** also points out that at Christmas Muslims prisoners get to share the celebratory food traditionally served at that Christian festival but non-Muslims don't get to share the special food associated with Ramadan.

He also tells us that this practice is in operation in all jails, not just Featherstone.

comments please.

2006-10-24 02:24:17 · 18 answers · asked by heaton_russell 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

im in a relationship, but im a second gf only, i do love him but i know he loves her real girl so much, he shows attention and love to me thats why this happen, its hurting me when there together coz were open about it..... what will i do???? do i have to go out in this relationship or wait for the time that he will choose me, coz he always told me to wait and he told me that he loves me too.... am i to crazy to love him....? help to decide guys im really confused....

2006-10-24 02:03:32 · 9 answers · asked by apocalips 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Gay nightclubs are GAY venues. I think too many straights are bringing down the overall tone and atmosphere of gay clubs. They go there, point at us and say "Oh, aren't the gay couples here so cute. Gee, you gay guys are such good dancers. You gay guys have the BEST party drugs. Wow! What a shame you're gay." (I don't even take drugs!!!)

It feels like "Oh, look at me, I'm so ***** tolerant. I have a gay friend, aren't I so post-modern". or "Oh, isn't it cool to be gay.? I wish I was gay..."

I feel like a sideshow act on my own territory when straight couples (especially straight girls) go to MY gay club......

Any thoughts???

2006-10-24 01:57:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

i have a guy but now, cuz im bi-curious, im considering trying out with a gal, w/o telling him.
As i said im bi-curious, i dont know if i will cross over, i just think of this gal everyday want to be with her romantically, think about takin care of her being with her and kissing her and hugging her, but i dont know if i really am with her i wld think its gross (thereby ending my bi-curiosity).
i dont wan to tell anyone bcos ppl might think im a freak. yeah i sldnt care what others think of me but i stil cant bring myself to get past that yet, id rather live in secret so dont advise me to come out.
bottom line, i stil care about my guy, i dont want to make him sad cuz of my bi-curiosity (ie make him think it was his fault he dint treat me well enuff), but i really need to get rid of this bi-curiosity (if dat gal wants me too dat is) and find out once and for all if i am or i am not!!


2006-10-24 01:39:12 · 30 answers · asked by acnemycin 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

My whole family knows I'm gay, they say they love me anyway, but they never ask about my love life, which makes me think they are embarrassed about my homosexuality and don't truly accept me at all....

I have lunch with my sisters in the city once a month. My big sister asks about my twin sister's sex life, her married life, her romantic life with my brother-in-law - but both my sisters never ask about the gay men that I date, my sex life....

They are just silently polite to me when it comes to my private life. I want them to ask me about my sex life, I want them to pry, to casually enquire as to who I'm dating, but they don't, and it upsets me. Am I over-reacting??

2006-10-24 01:38:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-10-24 01:33:38 · 11 answers · asked by ms_kaay 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Agree or Disagree. Please State why.

Many Native Americans are frequently mistaken for Asian origin. Asian and Native American's both share characteristics, such as, fine straight black hair or semi-slanted dark eyes. Native American and Eurasian features are amazingly similar, In fact Chinese-French actress Sandrine Holt, played a Native American princess in Pocohontas The Legend (1995). Another Central Asian public icon is Siberian model Irina Pantaeva, whom is often mistake for Chinese descent. However, Irina, is a native Inuit of Russia's Siberian territory. Back in history, (over 10,000 years ago), an ice bridge, where Alaska now is, connected Asia and North America. People from Asia walked over and spread out across the area known as the Americas, including Canada, the United States, and Central and South America.

2006-10-24 00:53:07 · 11 answers · asked by Tank D 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Ok I heard you all, but I too have been molested and mistreated by men. Being a gay male it was quite a double wammy so to speak. Not only as a teenager did I deal with my molestation but also back then I was told I wasnt gay it was the molestation that did this to me. Wanting so badly to be straight I believed them and put myself through much more pain then was necessary.
However I did not nor do I generalize my feelings toward one complete gender do to the phediphiles that molested me.
I think more then not I identify as a straight female and how she would have felt being molested by a man since my naturaul identity is gay and that is how I was made.
So it is not with hate or anger I ask these questions it is with love and concern for all. So why is that torch of hate carried by so many lesbians, I say this do to all of your answers, many filled with hate and doubt at me for raising such a question.
Why so much hate?

2006-10-24 00:53:06 · 10 answers · asked by Crampy Grampy 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I think last year it was the x box. What about this year?

2006-10-24 00:30:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

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