I met a woman I really like a lot a few weeks ago, and she is as interested as I am in pursuing a relationship. The one thing that I have reservations about is her tendency to dominate conversation. I think her profession may play a big part in it. She's a communications director for a major corporation, and much of her work involves writing press releases, giving interviews and making speeches. So, people are always asking her opinion, and she's very intelligent, well read, and articulate. Well, so am I, which is one of the main reasons we were drawn to one another. But I am getting frustrated by the fact that our "dialogues" seem to turn into monologues. Without realizing it, she can be dismissive of the thoughts and input of others. She can come across as someone who thinks there's nothing anyone can tell her that she doesn't already know, and that she knows whatever it is better than they do. I really don't think she means to be this way, but am not sure how to broach the subject.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender