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Economics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Economics

comparisons about these two continents in terms of economics

2007-01-23 14:54:53 · 15 answers · asked by meeee... 1

2007-01-23 14:44:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anime Master 2

1. 3x^4 +12x^3 -13x^5 + x^2 - 2x^7

2007-01-23 14:34:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anthony V 1

So many world economies use the dollar as a reference, many countries accept it as currency, however a country is said to not only be deffined by its people, physical land, culture but also their own coin. Countries such as Argentina use it nearly as much as its own Peso. Therfore it is not their money its the US's money. How can a country be liberated from having to depend on the dollar?? (after all, the US has the largest internal and external debt in the world and still the dollar is used)

2007-01-23 14:08:19 · 2 answers · asked by Fran 1

heres the question, plz help:

if everyone in the USA were to consume an equal quantity of goods and services, what percentage of total income would the poorest 20 percent of households have to recieve from higher income groups? what percentage would the second poorest 20 percent have to recieve.

and yes..this question is for school.

2007-01-23 13:55:48 · 2 answers · asked by Cocoa Beware 3

2007-01-23 13:35:24 · 5 answers · asked by sweet sugar 3

2007-01-23 13:19:22 · 10 answers · asked by kari_vilo 1

this is for an Economics class

2007-01-23 12:29:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not the donor of the year, nor the most righteous but i normally contribute @least $10.00 here and there to Care , chrstian children fund, wrld food prgmm, Darfur ; whatever the name they come up with......... and my biggest question is if these NGO's are trully committed/ dedicated to eliminating poverty why do they keep on running the same ADs to make us empathize, guilty and prick our souls year in year out but they never run ads to show us what they have accomplished since they started asking for donations? I am not a very smart guy nor has a solution to this world wide epidemic, but i know something to do with the multiplier effect= that if this 1million charitable Org. do their job right we would have done away with poverty 100yrs ago.
Just give me a break... and pliz dont misunderstand my interest in the subject i know they contributetowards the needy; but why exploit the situations without the much needed results

2007-01-23 12:16:18 · 7 answers · asked by ras 1

I know they both are equal or balance right now, but i don't kow how to explain that Can u please help me?

Thanx a lot

2007-01-23 11:44:49 · 4 answers · asked by U.P. 1

2007-01-23 09:56:45 · 14 answers · asked by Buzzard 7

2007-01-23 09:48:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

When did America become a superpower, and as a result of what circumstance?

2007-01-23 09:45:12 · 7 answers · asked by idugh 2

Question: What is an economic downturn?

My Answer: Each country defines an economic downturn differently. For example, an economic downturn for China -- which has booming for many years now -- has to be defined differently than for a country like Germany where the population is ageing rapidly and the workforce is shrinking slightly. Roughly speaking, however, an economic downturn is when the total amount of economic activity in a given year falls below that of the previous year. For example, suppose that the US produces only cars. If the number of cars produced in one year falls below the number produced in previous years, there is an economic downturn -- which also means that employment and overall income will be lower. It's a little more complicated because the US produces thousands of types of goods, but that's the basic intuition.

Reason of Violation: Not a Question or Answer

2007-01-23 09:35:08 · 6 answers · asked by Allan 6

2007-01-23 09:12:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-23 08:31:01 · 2 answers · asked by xfactor_skydestroyer 1

For example, the just-closed contract for February delivery ended at something like $51-$52 a barrel, but the new contract for March delivery is already at $55 a barrel. If the February contract could have been extended, do we think it would also be at $55 +/-? Or is there something dynamic about these contract cross-over dates that leads (often) to these rather major price swings?

As a layman observer of the oil markets, it's disconcerting to think "well, prices are great" when February contracts trade around $51, but then just a day or so later, have to realize the replacement contract for March is up $3 a barrel or so. Help!

2007-01-23 08:25:53 · 4 answers · asked by Bill R 1

and what is a quota?

2007-01-23 08:14:15 · 5 answers · asked by Edward Bakingstoke 1

If a diamond engagement cost $75 in 1945 what would be the retail price of the same exact ring in today's currency??

2007-01-23 07:20:19 · 2 answers · asked by starr_otoole 2

This is an open question. Do you believe that another event like the stock market crash will hapen in our lifetime and you believe that america will crumble since we have so much debt?

2007-01-23 06:47:59 · 4 answers · asked by kp 3

You purchase special equipment that reduces defects by $10,000 per year on an item. This item is sold on contract for the next five years. After the contract expires, the special equipment will save approximately $2,000 per year for 5 years. You assume that the machine has no market value at the end of 10 years. How much can you afford to pay for this equipment now if you require a 20% annual return on your investment? All cash flows are end-of-year amounts.

2007-01-23 05:06:23 · 2 answers · asked by Robert Z 1

Suppose that you have $10,000 cash today and can invest it at 8% compound interest each year. How many years will it take you to become a millionaire?

2007-01-23 04:41:25 · 4 answers · asked by Robert Z 1

2007-01-23 04:19:11 · 4 answers · asked by Kshitiz 1


I need an exammple of a good that fills in economic want? Also a service the fills in economic want?

2007-01-23 03:50:59 · 2 answers · asked by Jessica 1

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