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Dream Interpretation

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I am standing in a house on the 2nd floor looking out the window(it is night time) when I see 3 really bright balls of light comming at me. They were so bright that I could not look at them so I fell to the floor and covered my face(but I was not afraid) I somehow knew they were angels. I then woke up and had an amazing feeling of well being the rest of the day.

2007-08-26 11:09:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Periodically I dream that I remove my bones from slits in my skin. Before I realize it, I have removed them all and then panic because I can no longer pick them up to replace them. Is anyone familiar with this one?

2007-08-26 08:31:27 · 3 answers · asked by plb5000 3

At the weekend I take a nap in the afternoon and I always have the same dream. It feels so real I'm never sure if I am awake or not:
basically I'm sleeping and I feel someone walking into the house. Most times it's my boyfriend and I can hear him walking upstairs (although this afternoon it was some woman and it scared me) so I think 'I have to get up' only I can't move my body, my arms won't move to check my watch, I can't roll over, I can't even really open my eyes. Whoever is coming up the stairs never quite gets there and there's no conversation, I don't ask for help or anything.
It feels so incredibly real that I wake up for real eventually feeling confused, sometimes a little freaked that someone may be in the house and I can still feel how heavy and paralysed my body was.
It happens at every afternoon nap, never at night and as I really need the extra sleep it's just making me more tired.
Does it mean anything?

2007-08-26 08:10:05 · 11 answers · asked by Elle Dee 3

... we returned to normal size when we were out. This was all after I mysteriously woke up in the hospital.

I don't even want a baby, and I haven't been to a hospital in years.

Any ideas?

2007-08-26 07:24:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

so, last night, I had the most intense nightmare i have had in five years. a close friend of mine let me know of this spirit that existed in the world. he went by a name which i cannot recall, but once i began to accept his presence, i could not escape him. before i knew it, he was everywhere with me, and I could no longer function on an everyday level. the worst part was that no one, save my friend kathy, could see or feel his presence. i even went home to my parents house, and he was still with me.
in his presence, i felt all the coldness and loneliness of the world, and it was enough to take away all hope and purpose. there is more, but that is the general gist of it. any thoughts?

2007-08-26 04:25:23 · 4 answers · asked by fbrianreilly 1

For as long as I can remember, if I wake up after having a dream, what I dreamt about comes true.

2007-08-26 02:21:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-25 23:22:01 · 6 answers · asked by rose etoiles 3

I know I am pregnant, married to a military man, but way before this, and before 9-11, I have had these similar dreams, and its just weird and crazy to me. They always include my mother, my nephew, and my brother I am closest too. Sometimes my husband will be in them fighting, and my mom's bf will be in them. But its starts out with planes flying around like crazy, bombs going off, and I look out the front door of my old house, and see planes shooting at eachother, and shooting at cilivans on the ground, and Ihave to do everything I can to get away from it, and find asafe shelter. Either I will drive with my mom, my brother, and nephew to seek shelter or hid in the basement, but in the mean time when everyone is hiding I will go see whats going on, and its like more and more planes coming down, and then their are helicopters now, and people coming off them from ladders, and I would see them trying to bomb my house, and what not..

2007-08-25 22:07:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was 15 i had a dream of a silhouette that was holding me down and when he let me go i still couldnt move but i some how picked myself out of the the bed and started yelling "uncle johnny i know your here" over and over and when i woke up i couldnt move at all and i actually had to pull myself out of bed. the thing is growing up i never really knew the guy and after he died i had moved into the house he lived in and actually used to sleep in the room he died in and when i had the dream i was oblivious to the fact that it was the aniversary of his death

2007-08-25 20:27:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had this dream a few days ago. These two adults (man and a woman) tried to kidnap my little brother (he's 9) and I saw them doing it, and I ran over and grabbed my brother from them and he ran back to the house, and so did I. I was babysitting him, I yelled at my brother to lock the front door and I ran to the back door and right before I locked it, I saw the people who had attacked my brother. They tried to pull the door open and I was trying to pull it closed, but they got it open, got inside and stabbed me to death. Now, until this point I had been seeing the dream through the eyes of dream me, but then it switch to where I was watching everything, but I wasn't there. Anyway, I saw everyone dealing with the aftermath of my death. I saw my mom in court at my murder trial and I saw a newspaper talking about my death and murder. My little brother turned out to be fine in my dream, for some reason the attackers left after killing me.

2007-08-25 20:21:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah I know, weird question. But I was randomly looking something up and people have said that you can't die in a dream because you would die in real life or you wake up right before it because of shock or something like that. But if you are witnessing yourself (not really living as yourself in the dream, just watching yourself...does that make sense?) then it's fine.

But I've died three times in my dreams:

Once I had a dream that I was babysitting and people were running around in my diningroom and all of a sudden a book case fell on me and the baby I was holding and I was like choking in real life and my dream and I died, but I woke up right after.

And I had another random dream that my sister and a friend were fighting in a graveyard and I turned into a black skeleton and died and was buried (random, I know).

Lastly, I died because George of the Jungle's lion ate me and left my stomach and legs left...and yeah, there was my demise...

Anyone else die in a dream before?

2007-08-25 20:00:44 · 11 answers · asked by lildevilgurl152004 7

i keep having a dream of my car being stolen....not the exact same way of it being stolen everytime, but i have had numerous dreams of it being stolen?...........help me?

2007-08-25 16:26:46 · 9 answers · asked by Jason N 4

A dream during sleep not like a goal in life.

2007-08-25 12:50:09 · 8 answers · asked by vtrocks2013 1

i dream about celebs every night and its different celebs-not the same. what does it mean? will i get to meet them?
also with that i dream different dreams like my future,i being famous,and my preasent life.

p.s. 1 more question. will i become famous??

2007-08-25 11:08:04 · 6 answers · asked by Hey All, Sup?? 2

I keep having strange dreams that I see a werewolf or I am one in my dreams. They don,t scare me, some times when I am one it is kind of fun. I have noticed any time I go to sleep angry I have one, sometimes.And when I do have one I wake up a little angry. Can someone help me.

2007-08-25 06:42:06 · 7 answers · asked by Night Turn 2

and i caught a huge fish.strange looking fish.any ideas what it meant?

2007-08-24 23:39:48 · 8 answers · asked by chokolate 1

I keep having the same dream were I’m getting chased by a werewolf that wants to kill me. The dreams just feel so real, like I can remember by heart pounding and how scared I was. One of the dreams is were I was walking down this street, it must have been late at night cause it was so dark and nobody else was around, and there was this man with a werewolf on a chain as if he was walking it. As soon as the werewolf saw me it jumped up at me and started attacking me. I was on the floor trying to fight off this werewolf that was on top of me, the man couldn’t hold the werewolf back any longer, I then ran and the werewolf chased me and about halfway threw the chase I woke up. There has been so many others but there basically all the same, were I’m just trying to get away from this werewolf. Does anyone know what this means?

There is also another dream I keep having a lot lately. Where I’m in a supermarket and it’s always a supermarket, and there’s this witch that’s flying around the supermarket. People are running and screaming and the place is a mess. I’m always hiding behind these boxes of washing powder, watching all the chaos thinking ‘what am I suppose to be doing?!’ I have this tv control in my hand and if I press a button it pauses time, but I’m not sure how I am meant to use it. Does anyone know what this means too?

2007-08-24 23:26:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having dreams about an ex-boyfriend (my first love) periodically (about 6-8 times a year) since we broke up 10 years ago!

We ended our relationship on friendly terms (we just grew apart from one another) and never had any major fights during our relationship. I am now happily married with children, and he is married too. We didn't have any contact for the first 6 or 7 years after we broke up. He looked me up and contacted me by various sources and we exchanged a few e-mails. Now we don't really have any contact except to e-mail each other happy birthday.

The dreams are always different, but each time I have a dream about him, I wake up with an overwhelming sense of sadness and loss. Sometimes the feelings are so strong I want to cry. For the first few hours of the day I'm in a real melancholy mood.

Can anyone shed any light on this? Could the dreams mean anything? Why do they leave me with such strong feelings when I wake up?

2007-08-24 23:25:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few months ago, I had fell asleep on my couch and I had this dream that I was actually at peace, and feeling happy.

In my dream, everything was clear and every bad feeling seemed to fade into the past, as if they never existed.

I started walking in my dream, I remember walking through some tall grass, after that part I don't really remember.

But the part that worries me, is the part I do remember after walking through the tall grass.

In my dream, I hear something and I turn and I see this wolf, a very beautiful wolf, but as I began walking towards it, I realized this wolf was growling and it just got louder, and then I woke up.

When I awoke, I felt incredibly irritated and angry, I felt like I had more anger than I've had in a long time, then I just felt like being held by someone.

Strange, a bit.. to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm more worried or curious of this event.

2007-08-24 18:00:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was still daylight and them oons were like the whitish color but there was so many of them everywhere, what do you think this means?

2007-08-24 15:11:47 · 6 answers · asked by Michelle N 5

someone who know what they are talking bout answer this this is serious i wanna know what my dream mean

2007-08-24 15:02:48 · 5 answers · asked by Molisa (Aspiring Model) 3

I had a dream That I killed a old friend of Mine . After he was dead . I started swimming in his blood after I killed Him. I woke up and it really freaked me out . What should I do

2007-08-24 14:41:49 · 4 answers · asked by llgii i 1

dreamt that i had four 4's on like some sort of ticket and won lots of money. what does 4 mean?

2007-08-24 13:26:57 · 10 answers · asked by don't touch my mullet 3

2007-08-24 13:15:35 · 11 answers · asked by miss d 2

everytime i'm thinking of a word or answer that i know i know as in "it's on the tip of my tounge" though i can't remember the particular word, i always know the letter it starts with. is my brain trying to give ne a hint? weird huh?

2007-08-24 11:56:05 · 4 answers · asked by flossymae 2

I see in my dream a lot of light-purple four-petaled flowers, sometimes changing their colours into sky blue. I think they are called "silk violets" (not sure). Suddenly, they become rosebuds.
Their colours keep on changing into pastel shades of violet, blue and sea-green. Suddenly they transform into sort of windows of a church (NOT church really, I am not a Christian, it's like a Place of Worship, the kind I'm familiar with).

My question: Would you say it's a SPECIAL dream, or just an ordinary one? What does it signify?

Many thanks.

2007-08-24 09:58:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anna 3

Okay ladies and gentlemen lets try and not be offended by this, I Know its a touch subject. Just to clarify I am very against discrimination of any kind and I respect people form all walks of life.

Lets all asume for a moment that there is no God (higher power) - Lets aslo asume that the bible and all other religious book are a complete work of fiction. Lets all asume that we have complete legitimate proof and evidence of this and that the whole concept of existance and evolution is compltly scientifically explained.

Religion has caused alot of pain and suffering; would the world not benifit without it. Would it not lessen the likelyhood of wars between nations. Would it erase the whole consept of homophobia and racial conflict completly. Would this create world pease.

I'd like to hear your thoughts.

2007-08-24 06:05:45 · 9 answers · asked by keith of keithZworld 6

There was this guy that worked at a hotel, but he liked me and he was really nice to me. Thats not the wierd thing, he looked really familar but i dont know where i know him from. In the dream I was looking for him and for a while and i couldnt find him, and then eventually when i found him, i couldnt go up to him. I dont know what it means or if it even means anything but what do you think it means?? (and if it makes any difference im 14)

2007-08-24 04:40:13 · 3 answers · asked by Blahh 1

past 2 days i dream that my employeer complaining that she loss her money worth 5o thousand nt...then in my dream i have friend that she buy an adidas shoes then i tell my employeer that may be my friend get ur money because she have anew shoes..........the shoes is very dirty..........does anybody know the interpretation of my dream?thanks ..

2007-08-24 03:47:16 · 3 answers · asked by JOY2 1

I keep having these bad cramps in my lower back legs and upper abdomen it hurts mostly when i lie on my stomach i dont want to do a pregnancy test i have nausea early on mornings but having that for a while now so what could it be fibroids cancer what i am feeling depress about this whole thing

2007-08-24 01:28:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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