Here are the given:
Mass of Rocket = 5600 kg
Velocity of Rocket = 2900 m/s
Velocity of Gass Burst = 4300 m/s
The question says that a rocket is travelling toward the moon at the speed given above. To change the trajectory of the rocket, the engine fires a burst of gas perpindicular to the motion of the rocket at a speed given above.
What is the mass of the gas burst expelled? In kg.
Here is what I did (Used Conservation of Momentum)
(5600)*(2900) = [ (5600)*Vf rocket ]+ [ M gas burst * (4300) ]
I drew a diagram on an x, y axis, with the rocket initially moving all in the positive x direction with a velocity of 2900. Then I drew the gas velocity velctor of 4300, completely perpindicular (all in y direction). Using pythag. thm I solved for the magnitude of the total final velocity of the rocket. I got V f rocket = 5186.52
I plugged this value in, and found the final momentum of the rocket to be 2.90445e7. I then plugged and solved for M gas.
This didn't work, what am I missing?
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