1.) Are you an electric utility customer?
a.) Yes
b.) No
2.) What is your age range?
a.) 18-25
b.) 26-35
c.) 36-55
d.) 56 or older
3.) What is your household’s annual income?
a.) 0-25k
b.) 25,001 to 40k
c.) 40,001 to 65k
d.) 65,001 to 100k
e.) >100k
4.) How does your power company generate its electricity?
a.) Nuclear
b.) Coal
c.) Oil or Gas
d.) Or renewable (wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric)
5.) If your energy provider offered renewable sources of electricity (wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric) how much more would you be willing to pay per month to switch?
a.) 0$
b.) <$5
c.) <$10
d.) <$25
e.) <$40
6.) What percentage of your available household fixtures are currently using compact fluorescent light bulbs?
a.) 0%
b.) >25%
c.) >50%
d.) >75%
e.) 76-100%
7.) Based on factors such as average cost of electricity in the U.S., energy usage per bulb, lifetime expectancy of each light bulb, and difference in price, DID YOU KNOW that you would save 54.23$ per 75 watt standard type a incandescent light bulb replaced by a compact fluorescent 20 W bulb that gives off the equivalent light?
a.) Yes
b.) No
8.) Will knowing this change your decision to switch to compact fluorescents next time you shop for light bulbs?
a.) Yes
b.) No
c.) I already knew this
9.) How do you believe the Bush Administration and the past Congress has performed with regards to curbing CO2 pollution?
a.) Irresponsibly
b.) Adequately
c.) Admirably
10.) Do you believe that climate change will have a negative affect on you in your lifetime?
a.) Yes
b.) No
c.) Maybe
11.) Do you believe that climate change will negatively affect your children?
a.) Yes
b.) No
c.) Maybe
12.) How does climate change rate in your concerns when selecting office holders?
a.) #1 concern
b.) #2 concern
c.) #3 concern
d.) #4 concern
Not on my list of political concerns
13.) Which of the following were you aware of?:
a.) At the current rate of climate change an estimated 25% of the current U.S. population will be under water.
b.) Global warming increases drought and famine and play a factor in millions starving to death within the next century onwards. The reduced rainfall has played large role in the record # of acres burned in wildfires the last several seasons.
c.) Global warming is raising ocean temperatures, which contributes to the decline of coral reefs in turn damaging fish populations, and higher ocean temperatures also plays a factor in frequency and strength of hurricanes.
14.) Knowing some of the dangers of global warming and how it will affect the United States and the world in a negative way, how would you now rate climate change as an issue when selecting office holders?
a.) #1 concern
b.) #2 concern
c.) #3 concern
d.) #4 concern
e.) Not on my list of political concerns
15.) In the 1990’s, the government could have prevented today’s high gasoline prices by placing a 10% tax on gasoline at the time. Do you wish they had done this?
a.) Yes
b.) No
4 answers
asked by