Fish flesh (10g) was extracted with trichloroacetic acid (10%, 10mL). The extract was filtered and diluted to 50mL. An aliquot (10mL) was placed in a Markham still together with sodium hydroxide solution (40%, 10mL) and steam distilled into boric acid (5mL) and methyl red/methylene blue indicator (3 drops)
At the completion of distillation, the boric acid solution was titrated with hydrochloric acid (0.01N). A titration of 8.75mL of acid was required to reach the end point and a blank titration of 0.25mL was obtained.
Calculate the level of total volatile bases present in the fish flesh as mg N/100g flesh.
the total volatile bases mean nitrogen content and HVL 0.01N = 0.01mol/L
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