the question arises here as how the soul enters the father’s body ? The answer is, through breathing. And how do they come out ? During the process of copulation, the internal ‘energy wave’ moves faster. Which produces heat in the body resulting in the separation of some atom and molecules (Which had entered the body of the father through breathing, taking the form of cells (sperm) in the testis) from the body and make faster movement with the increase of heat, and they head towards any where they get open space. It is like the flow of water washing away some part of the clay on course. The structure of testis of a man is made up of both negative and positive molecules. It means all atoms in it contains proton, neutron and electrons. Where as, the ovary of a woman contains only negative atoms i.e. it contains major portion of neutron and some part of electron. During copulation, getting the head the sperms move ahead to unite with the atom (ovum) of the woman which is larger in size than the sperm. Only a single sperm succeeds in uniting with the ovum. The sperm utilizes the ovum as a protective covering for itself and within the protective boundary of the ovum it get nourished. Molecules which are successful become foetus, and grow to be a boy or girl, according to their ‘sanskar’ (systematic memory). Feeding on the molecules and atoms present in the uterus, the creature (foetus) makes its growth. In the food of men and women, there are molecules and atoms, which after the digestion of the food, become the part of body. Getting food from mother, the foetus also makes growth of its body. This is the episode of that sperm which is successful.
During the combining process, other remaining sperms which could not get the protection of the ovum, get destroyed fast and turn into souls. They are very delicate, for which they can’t survive the adverse condition. Molecules get destroyed, by feeding on each other also. Souls, for a new life being mingled with air enters the body through the respiration. After passing through the lungs they mingle with the blood of the father. Then going through different metabolic process of the body they become part of testis, getting the form of a reproductive cells. There, in the body of the father, they get the feeling of heaven or hell. They remain in the testis, waiting for a new birth. After getting heat, they start flowing out breaking the bond. Like this, for a life soul, it takes years to get a new birth until it gets proper co-incidence, because one or two out of several sperms can combine with the ovum and the rest get destroyed to go back to the queue again. In the uterus, apart from the foetus, the other germs also get the feeding, but the atoms (of the foetus body) can’t eat anything. They just cohere to each other for creating the shape of the body. Like this, noting is your own in this creation of eternity and none are stranger to you either. When your own body is not actually yours, then what do you expect from others ? This is a hard fact that, if one gets the feeding, the other has to lose its life. Inside and outside the body there are several lives getting flourished and getting destroyed at eh same time. Like earth, inside the body also, there are scenes of flood, quacks, heat cold, and with this many lives are affected. The reason behind the molecules of the germs achieving body or getting a shape, is their crave for getting a life of infinity. Every atom has a desire for improving itself. That is why, their SANSKAR, in a seed form gradually improves itself to reach the level that of a human being. This is the result of a serial development that takes place.
In 1997, a wave was brought to the science world, when a scientist of “Rossali Institute” named lan Bilmut and his associates created a sheep named ‘Dolly’ by cloning method. Clone means ionize (without sexual intercourse). The other meaning of clone is “replica” also. This move was heartily welcome by the science world, because by this process any part of the human body can be recreated. Any creature which is on the verge of extinction can be saved by this method. In U S A, the scientists of ‘Oregon Regional Private Research Center’ cloned a monkey. The scientists of Taiwan cloned a kind of swine which was on extinction. But, this joy didn’t last long. Within a year or two the cloned creatures started showing the sign of old age. Why did it happen like this ? To understand this we have to get in to the process of cloning first. The scientists took out a cell from the ‘udder’ of a white sheep and placed it between nutritious elements. Slowly the quantity of the elements got reduced. In result the cell became inactive and the division in it stopped. Next, an immature egg of a female black pigmented sheep was taken and the DNA of it was separated out from it. Now the egg lacking in a nucleus was combined with the inactive cell taken before. Electric wave was passed through them. The cells became active with this. The egg then accepted the nucleus of the cell. Like this, without any sexual contact a foetus got created. That foetus was placed in the uterus of a third sheep. In course of time a baby lamb was born from it which carried an exact resemblance of the first sheep. The baby sheep was named as ‘DOLLY’.
Now, it is an unanimously accepted theory that body of a creature is made by cells, and the continuity of life is based on the growth and division of cells, but for the growth of cell some factors are there. They are growth harmones, growth factors for the nervous system, ancogen factors, edible stuff present in the cell, the correlation between cell nucleus and plasma etc. According to the new research telimier is the part of chromosomes only, and keeps control over cell division. Slowly it loses its power. As we all know that every thing has a limit, a cell can only undergo division up to a certain number. In course of time the dividing power in a cell reduces. The cell which was used for production of “DOLLY” was a matured one, and had undergone several division before. The divisive power of it had been reduced considerably. That is why, the sign of early old age was seen in “Dolly”. Of course, in this aspect the scientist got some drawback, but they will overcome it very soon.
In the above aspect, the fast ageing of Dolly due to cloning method may have the reason that the cell taken from the sheep had completed most of its life span. In a body old cells die down to be replaced by new cells. The cells of mother sheep, which are made up of dormant germs, are under developing stage towards their ‘sheep form’. The meaning is, they are in a stage of few birth prior to become full seeds. Now they haven’t received the capacity of a complete seed form. These cells, after meeting death inside mother sheep for the process of next birth, enter into the male sheep through respiration to become a part of its cell. Again with developed stage they will become part of reproductive cell of the male sheep. During the copulation between the male and female sheep, they will enter the mother sheep in the form of sperms and any of them who would be received by the ovum would create a foetus.
If the scientist had to choose cells for cloning, they should choose from the area where cells are more improved from the view of further development. Like, a part of tests. It is much better if taken from the inner part. Or,the part of brain from where serum is secreted during the time of sexual intercourse. Then scientist can try cells (dormant germs) for best result in cloning because unlike tissue culture, in bio culture every atoms (cells) from a particular branch do not carry the ‘chance’ for a new life. In tissue culture every cell gets life after the process but, in a body of creature, each of all atoms does not redevelop itself, but go ahead in the direction of serial development.
In the series of development, water, air, vegetation, bacteria etc. serially got developed from the matter only. Bacteria or microbes are taken to be the member from last pedigree of the vegetation. Like protozoa, Amoeba, Metazoa, Parazoa. These are single called creatures. They are also micro sized creatures. The reproduction of bacteria occurs by the method of division only i.e. One will divide into two and so on. Bacteria or microbes are of four type
Cocas which is round in shape.
Bacillus-long rod shaped.
Spirylium-snake type
Wibro-which is of ‘coma’ shape.
In the process of converting into bacteria from the vegetation, after getting the above mentioned sizes they start getting the aggression of mind. Which ever shape comes to them first, they start taking up a physique of that shape. Slowly, they started developing different systems of the body like respiratory system, digestive system, and brain the formidable will power of a life causes these developments. They start developing different sensory organs, heart and kidney etc. first bicycle then TV, the car, then aeroplane, then jets were invented. Like that the germs (or microbes) have reached this stage (human being) by gradually developing their internal capacities. More improvement is coming up by it, both internally and externally. By the help of strong will power and with the effort generated by it, molecules with continuous improvement of themselves will attain the ‘divine power’ one day. Human race is the most improved and purified creature of today. One day, a better pedigree (generation) than this will be created. After reincarnation a human being is born as a human being only. The meanest of the human being may possibly be born as an animal in the next birth. What ever development is there till today, is the result of the efforts and collective will power of the atoms and germs of infinity members. That is why it is sad “What ever is done, is done by the Almighty because that collective will power is the ‘will’ of the Almighty only.”
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