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Politics - 9 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

With all the recalls these days, there is a slow growing grumbling from parents who keep buying toys for their kids that they end up having to take away and toss (Honey, I'm sorry Santa gave you toys with Lead in them!). There's a growing movement to declare a China Free Christmas. Meaning, purchasing NOTHING made in China as a way to state that this is not acceptable and companies that sell toys need to take responisbility for oversight. If they won't their toys will not be purchased.

Is it possible to have a China Free Christmas? Do our kids really need more junky plastic toys for us to trip on? Can you do without for the adults too?

2007-11-09 06:34:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007 Philly Mayor won by Democrat Michael Nutter 82% to 17%
but Philly Neighbouring Counties (Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery and Chester) all won by GOP.

Why the City of Philadelphia proves the POLLs right but not those counties?? why?

2007-11-09 06:32:31 · 25 answers · asked by Samm 6

My first legislation will be to outlaw government cheese.

2007-11-09 06:26:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Canada became a nation having been given Dominion status by Queen Victoria in 1867

Before that people who were not technecally Canadian but overwhelmingly stayed here to become Canadian fought off the American would be invaders who sought to steal our crown and thought of us as a waste of real estate-

These men were the first to launch a sucessful land invasion of the US burning down the Whitehouse and occupying Detriot

We fought in the Boer war - both of them - My great grandfather being part of the Canadian soldiers who went over becuase the Monarch had called

We fought in the 1st and second war at huge losses to ourselves

Unlike the US we went in 1914 (1st war) and 1939 (second war)

We had a small group of volunteer soldiers in North Korea and Vietnam and the first Gulf war

2007-11-09 06:21:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My opinion will be posted later, but do you think NCLB should continue to be a part of our school funding requirements, or should we eliminte it? Also, are you for or against the Department of Education? Please explain your answer. Thank you!

2007-11-09 06:20:52 · 12 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

I just received a violation notice. Here's how it reads, verbatim:

Question: Don't you just love Brian's new avatar?

Question Details: It's subtle and appropriate.

Violation Reason:

2007-11-09 06:18:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My guess is old reliable: Diebold.

I mean, they had to let the democrats pick up a few seats in '06 so that it wouldn't be too obvious to the general public.

But I guarantee you there will be massive reports of voter fraud AGAIN next year; and once again the democrats will whine, but do nothing to change these crooked voting machines.

So, what's your best hunch as to how the Repubs will unseat the democratic process in '08?

2007-11-09 06:14:26 · 30 answers · asked by Hustle & Dough 2

With over 70 years of attacks and thousands dead, how do they stay out of the News.

2007-11-09 06:13:02 · 4 answers · asked by whirling W dervish 2

T.V. programs have a tendency to support a more liberal point of view. If the strike last as long or longer then last time, how will the Dems do in the Presidential race without liberal Hollywood bashing conservatives and Christians for them, free of charge?

2007-11-09 06:12:50 · 12 answers · asked by Mother 6

With all of the Global Warming they caused, should they have to buy Carbon Credits?

2007-11-09 06:03:28 · 5 answers · asked by mbush40 6

None of these "I would go but do it differently" answers. Knowing what we know now about the false information that brought us there, do you think that Iraq was a good idea?

2007-11-09 06:02:19 · 13 answers · asked by brickity hussein brack 5


2007-11-09 06:01:33 · 10 answers · asked by ron j 1

Just like GLOBAL WARMING, there is NO DEBATE that these people are a threat to us. They admit that they want to kill all of us, even those of us who sympathize with them. It seems like many of you want to stop the war, stop any interrogation methods that aren't totally friendly (how can you compare waterboarding to beheading?). We should just pull out of everywhere, blah, blah... Okay, so how exactly do we defend ourselves against people who are trying to put NUKES together to destroy us, all of us, including you?

2007-11-09 05:58:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there something actually wrong with the whole process? Is it a case of "All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"? If so, why are the problems not so common in any other powerful country?

2007-11-09 05:52:08 · 21 answers · asked by johninmelb 4

.....how will Democrats explain to future generations that they blocked domestic oil production?

2007-11-09 05:41:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why in God's name did you elect a man who has put our country into massive debt (trillions of dollars), gotten us into an endless war, which he himself ADMITTED is endless, and by starting that war, killed millions of innocent people in the process, and has done NOTHING to convince the rest of the world that they should respect us?
Not only all that, but you elected him a second time! Oh, so the first four years of incedible debt, complete disgrace of this country, disrespect from the rest of the world, and millions of innocent deaths, were not enough for you! I understand fully now!

2007-11-09 05:41:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The same people that attack Bush going into Iraq defend Clinton for the same... When the real issues are out there needing our attention, why do we spend more time on, "you dumb bleeding heart lib, you lying hillbilly conservative" than on the actual issues? Why do we make decisions on real issues (say, global warming) based on the fact that we don't like Al Gore, rather than plunging ourselves into research and scientific journals for the answers? Why do we think that anything this administration does is wrong, simply because its republican? Does ANYONE think this is a tragic waste of time, and part of the reason we are allowing our politicians to be so corrupt without having the fortitude or sense to demand accountability?

2007-11-09 05:40:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-09 05:38:13 · 6 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

Why didn't they listen to President Jimmy Carter?

2007-11-09 05:37:02 · 18 answers · asked by Zardoz 7

Can either Democrats or Republican acquire this Love of War

2007-11-09 05:33:16 · 8 answers · asked by Guerilla Liberal fighter 3

Iraq in 2003: Iraq failed to allow UN inspections. We thought they had WMDs. Saddam was a bad dude.

Iran today: we think Iran might be trying to build WMDs. Iran might be helping our enemies in Iraq.

Which is the better case for a war?

2007-11-09 05:25:55 · 20 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

2007-11-09 05:25:20 · 18 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

I say probably 2 or 2 1/2. Way to go Bush.

2007-11-09 05:25:03 · 10 answers · asked by brickity hussein brack 5

Newt's Coup repeatedly blocked the use of Cruise Missiles against AlQaeda.

Did the Contract with America simply lack the foresight to realize AlQaeda was a terrorist organization.

2007-11-09 05:24:52 · 9 answers · asked by Guerilla Liberal fighter 3

I'd pull our troops out of Afganistan (Cdn) and tell them the truth - when we have a perfect nation here we will help you

I would move away from trade with the US and impose heavy tarrif's and taxes on incoming US goods while trying to re- establish the special relationships we had with Commonwealth partners

I would allow abortion on demand as it is now - but remove all government funding for it - right now it is funded 100 %

I would go back to the death penalty for cases of overwhelming guilt such as Paul Bernardo -

I would halt all imigration from non Commonwealth nations - we need a similar culture here and those with British ties and culture fit in much easier

Finnally I would make property tax ilegal as it is rent from the government in reality making ownership impossible

2007-11-09 05:22:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He did shoot one of their heros!


2007-11-09 05:21:08 · 5 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

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