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Other - Pets - September 2006

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someone sugested i take a shower or buy a humidifyer for my rats, the shower would involve them being on the counter while the shower produced steam or fog, and this is supposed to healp with my rats congestion, he makes this clicking noise sometimes in his nose, and i think he has mycoplasmosis, the really really sad part is i can not afford his treatments, i dont know what to do, i know you may say, just get a job, but that would break child labor laws, and my parents cant even afford thier medical bills, the vet isnt an option, but its the first on the list for when i do get money, but i dont think he can wait it out long enough, he has kinda become lethargic, he sleeps alot while his brother runs araound when i turn on the light, the beding produces no dust of any kind, and its like a paper cardboard recycled clumpy stuff, no dust, they live in a fish tank, 10g with a cage on top, would me taking a 5 minute shower help thier comgestion?

2006-09-25 03:32:00 · 1 answers · asked by Bob7k 3

2006-09-25 02:58:34 · 33 answers · asked by Shruti G 1


2006-09-25 02:29:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Having a conversation about flushing a house spider down the toliet (cruel I know but my wife is terified and demands the ultimate sanction) we posed this question does it breathe ?

2006-09-25 02:25:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-25 01:53:50 · 23 answers · asked by Katrina T 1

ok, i was walking in petco, and i dont think i read it correctly but i think i saw a bottle of rodent shampoo, it was the wierdest thing, also i couldnt imagine giving my tiny dwarf shampoo, my parents didnt believe me, so im starting to question if it is a real product, if it is real, if i used it om my rat, how would i do it?and will it make him smell better?how can i make him smell better?question 2 is: one of the 2 rats has red pyrophin, i cant spell it, anyway, its been almost runney like blood, he snezes and it shoots out, looks like blood on cloth, but i know its not, i changed his cage and i want to know how much better i can expet him to be now that his cage is nice and clean, its a fishtank, 10g with a wierd cage thing on top, to make sure i got it cleaned, i washed it down, then rinsed it with the hose with a presure nozle, blasted any soap or debris away, squeaky clean, and almost knocked the paint off the cage part. so how much better will he be now that the cage is clean?

2006-09-25 01:04:12 · 2 answers · asked by Bob7k 3

My guinea pig doesn't like the water soluble vitamin C drops i put in her water, how else can i make sure she's getting her daily requirement?

Any foods that she will like and are not dangerous for her that can provide her with Vit C?

2006-09-25 00:43:35 · 22 answers · asked by Shayz 2

Feel free to research..tell that steel wool isnt froma sheep....duh?.. It's humor folks...

2006-09-25 00:04:03 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6

ok, does anyone know a homemade reciepe that they can share with me to get rid of mosquito's, i keep on getting eaten alive at night, i live in germany so there's loads of them and my mosquito net is't enough,

don't answer : buy a mosquito grill
: '' '' '' net

because i have already tried this and it's not working?

please help me

2006-09-24 23:54:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I picked up these from the bay side In Destin Fla. and brought them home for my grandchildren-- I got some sand and just a bit of water-- what do I feed them ? and will they live outside the ocen?

2006-09-24 23:46:18 · 7 answers · asked by mawmaw 1

Whilst competing at a show with my horses yesterday, I overheard two spectators commenting on my horse and I - basically they were talking about the fact that I was one of "those" snobby horsey bitches that decked my horse out to show I had money.
Now I spare no expense when it comes to my horses as I want to ensure that they're comfortable first and foremost and anything I buy them has a reason - like boots - I want to protect their legs - sheepskin girth cover - one of my horses is prone to rubbing of the girth! Im just wondering - have any other horseowners been accused of this merely because they love their animals and want the best for them?
What these people who pass comments on us dont realise is that us horseowners often put our own needs behind those of our horses and what they said REALLY pi**ed me off!

2006-09-24 22:57:17 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the reason behind it?

2006-09-24 21:43:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hoping the fleas in my house from pets are just going to die and be gone forever.

2006-09-24 19:56:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a relative who is a caretaker for animals who need rehabilitation. He allowed me to take home a 4 year old chimp named Jerry for a couple of weeks to get a feel for what he does so that I may be able to help him with the facility. I admit I did not know much going into this, and the first week went great. I fed him bananas all the time and Cocoa Puffs for breakfast if he behaved just like on the commericals. But lately he has been getting very ill and has constant diarrhea. I tried Sprite as that settles me stomach after I have been drinking heavily and have beer shits. He was fine Saturday night, some friends and I played poker and Jerry watched tv and had some chimp burritos I got him from Taco Bell. I put banana in it to make it healthier. He is getting worse and the burritos are help and neither is the Subway sandwich I got him that has veggies and some banana I added. What could be causing the illness?

2006-09-24 19:04:04 · 4 answers · asked by Inspector gadget 1

Hi! I'm almost fifteen years old and I have been taking english hunter/jumper riding lessons for a little over two years now. I live very close to an amazing equestrian center that's so secluded where I ride and it has about 480 boarding stalls. It's less than a five minute drive there from my house most of the time. I have an aunt who lives about an hour away and has owned horses since she was a teenager and is a riding instructor that could help me with ownership questions. I may not even need her help with some things, though I would always accept it, because I've done a lot of research. I've visited my friend doing her horse's routine, read about 15 magazines, done lessons as I mentioned before, showed a couple times, and I've done various research online creating a word document about 66 pages so far of research on buying, care/chores, deciding to buy, and time management. It includes personal situations for me. I've loved horses since i was three and I think I'm ready, am I?

2006-09-24 17:57:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear rabbits tend to go to the toilet in one spot. However our rabbits seem to go anywhere even in their food bowl. they have a litter box which they do crap in but the also like just sitting in it. How can we train them to go potty in one place?

2006-09-24 17:48:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have seven rats in my home. i love them to death, but they stink so bad. i keep my house clean. i'm not to sure about using air fresheners or other plugins. the boys are the ones that smell the worst. i just need to suggestions or anything actually. i'm embarassed to have people over because of the smell. does anyone know anything that can help alleviate the smell that is safe for my ratties. i don't want any of them sick. i also don't want something that smells like it is just "covering up" the smell. i do keep them refreshed and cleaned regularly. so no worries there. is there some kind of small animal litter that i can put under my rats regular bedding that can help with the smell. i'm just wondering on how to get rid of subdue the smell the cages give off.

2006-09-24 17:26:27 · 14 answers · asked by werewolfpixie 5

is breeding a mini rex an a tan rabbit ok they both have pedigrees an are both GREAT rabbits not to sell or anything we just want to see what theyd look like an we have homes for them already an lan on keeping some ourselves they have bonded an are currently in the same cage an it seems that they love each other when i bred him with an angora their babies were adorable we kept 2 an the rest are in good homes

2006-09-24 16:08:48 · 7 answers · asked by misty w 2

we have 5 baby bunnies they are 5 weeks old their mom just had another litter an stopped feeding them my sister inlaw has mom an i have dad she kept 3 i kept 2 they are eating rabbit pellets an grass do you think they will be ok are they old enough to be without her i have dad an my other rabbit in a large cage outside an the babies in a smaller cage inside mom is with new babies in a cage in the garage at my sister in laws an the 3 from their 1st litter are in a seperate cage their as well so you think they will be ok outside or should i cotinue keeping them in till they are bigger their breed is dad a mini rex an mom is about a 5 lb angora so they are very small rabbits ???????

2006-09-24 16:05:42 · 7 answers · asked by misty w 2

My hamster had babies last saturday night. Mama hamster has allowed me to change the bedding without freaking out. She and the five babies are living in this tiny little wooden house. I was wondering if I could remove the house, so we can watch the babies grow. Plus it stinks in the cage.....this cant be good for the babies.

2006-09-24 16:01:42 · 6 answers · asked by Jennifer 1

i never seen squirrle ****

2006-09-24 15:46:39 · 3 answers · asked by alizonic 1

i may be geting a guinea pig soon and i need to know every thing there is to know can i only have 1 or do i need to have more ?

2006-09-24 14:49:30 · 10 answers · asked by bumpygecko 1

2006-09-24 14:45:28 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has not been with male,possible a mouse could
be responsible? Has blood around bottom?

2006-09-24 14:24:20 · 5 answers · asked by momofthree 1

I accidently purchased rabbit blend food, thinking it was guinea pig food. It's by the same company, 'Wild Harvest', and it has the same package design look. I was in a hurry, and grabbed the wrong bag. Do you think it's okay to feed it to my guinea pig?

2006-09-24 14:09:55 · 13 answers · asked by sweet southern charm 3

he is the type who you can pick up like a baby and carry him around for hours belly up, you can tickle his little belly give him kisses by the cheak and he never bites. not even when i check his teeth (when they are too long they need to be snipped). he is a completely layed back rabbit, but since ive never owned one before i never expected anything. he ended up with me when i foudn him deserted along a busy street, and through out the time, when i take him out for walks, everyone says, 'my rabbit never let me carry him like that!'

is it normal that rabbits let themselves be carried like babies for hours? he even lays on my lap belly up without moving at all for 20 min. straight. its like he's dead, but he isnt. he is never scared of anything, he never runs away when i get close. when the vacum cleaner gets close, he runs to it, than away from it.

is he a wierd rabbit? or all rabbits like this?

2006-09-24 13:38:14 · 11 answers · asked by sueet2b 4

i have classes at the arlington career center in VA. its called animal science. they have two billy goats there. one it Rocket-hes very friendly and lves to be around anyone. then theres Indy- scared of all humans and always stays close to rocket. they both share a feild with 4 chickens and a miniture horse. how do i get Indy to behave like Rocket around people? he runs away every time some one goes outside to see the animals. he has such nice clean white fur but no one knows wat it feels like. how can i calm him down?

2006-09-24 13:31:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anybody know an animal that starts with the letter "N"?

2006-09-24 13:30:41 · 8 answers · asked by Pigs Rule Adimt It!!! 2

2006-09-24 13:20:47 · 24 answers · asked by chroniclallie 1

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