My friend is in her early forties. She's a kind, loving, beautiful former ballerina and mother of two. She was diagnosed with breast cancer recently, and had to have both breasts removed last week. She is nervous, as her docs have said they won't be sure for a year if they got all the cancer. She is not vain, but understandably when one's life has been so committed to ballet, fitness and "perfection," it is especially devastating to lose her breasts.
Instead of just sending flowers or a card, I am making her a mix CD of uplifting songs from the 70s-90s. I am only one person, so I'm asking you all if you can think of any unique and mellow songs that emphasize strength, beauty, endurance and peace. She's not religious, but is very spirituaI.
I've already selected: Ooh Child, Angel, Tiny Dancer, Lovely Day, Solitude Standing, Candlelight, Smile, Full Of Grace, If You Want To Sing Out, Life Is The Red Wagon, Calling All Angels, Thousand Year Prayer.
Thanks, all! :)
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