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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

2007-05-07 10:48:53 · 18 answers · asked by shannon m 1

i have like a sort of wee lump at the bottom of one of my nostrils, and up the inside of the same one its sore, i keep getting an unusual sort of gathering of skin i think it is in the same place. i clean it and then every morning its back again
I have no idea what this could be but my nose is constantly sore and tender feeling.

2007-05-07 08:59:57 · 9 answers · asked by Claire g 1

Out of nowhere, I noticed that when I walk, the a part of the ball of my right foot hurts. Kind of a pressure/sore sensation, like I have a lump or something I'm stepping on. I felt the area, but it feels no different from my left foot. I didn't bang it on anything (that I know of)

I don't want to have cancer! I want to keep both my feet, I don't know what to do! I don't know if this calls for a doctor visit, but what are the odds that it's a tumor? I can't sleep at night, this has been going on for a few days, *please* help??

2007-05-07 08:44:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Mom has a malignant spot on her lung.She hasn't smoked for nearly 15yrs./no one else smokes around her.She's had x-rays since for colds in the past.They found it after she had pneaumonia a month ago. Her oncologist put her on a med.(oral)that is for breast cancer/side affects include lung damage.I had to force her to get a 2nd. opinion.Should't her dr. have told her to get a 2nd. opinion?He obviously doesn't have the market cornered on curing cancer.Aren't 2 heads better than 1 when it comes to fighting for your life? If they hadn't seen it in the past & only it found now,was it there all along,just undetectable(too small)?If so,that means it's grown,right?This spot couldn't just pop up at the size it is(1/2 dollar)now,can it?If it's grown,why would he put her on a pill.what would this pill do for her & why would he tell her to come back in 2mons.?Won't it grow more in that time?My parents are in their 70's.They still believe dr.s are like they were in the old days.

2007-05-07 07:45:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father's stomach cancer has metastasized into his brain, and all over his abdomen. Doctor had sent him home telling us there is not much they can do at this point, and they will admit him to hospice care when he started to feel pain. He feels some pain, but not bad now. How do we know to admit him to the hospice care? What should we watch out for?

2007-05-07 06:30:45 · 17 answers · asked by Pluto 3

How long did it take you to recover to where you could get up and do things around the house? and what kind of things where you able to do? how long till you were doing yard work or other kind of work?? How long did it take to where you didn't need pain meds anymore? thanks in advance for your answers!

2007-05-07 03:01:54 · 2 answers · asked by ilovemykids 3

Its midnight here.. Canada.. (Manitoba)...it 10 hours or so, my dad will be having his surgery (colon cancer).. I for sure plan to see him tomorrow.. just wonder, if and what he will be like after surgery?.. Should i be there for when he is recovering.. or wait till later in the eve? Just don't know what to expect when someone has this type of surgery..

2007-05-06 18:38:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can a person have cancer in the liver when blood test for liver comes back normal? I have lesions, need biopsy and am considering not having it done.

2007-05-06 09:31:58 · 3 answers · asked by Flavorsplash 2

2007-05-05 17:13:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I my self went through this and was told by my doctors that it's a very bad idea.

2007-05-05 13:37:10 · 2 answers · asked by jadetigerjane 1

Besides the warts, and cervical cancer, does it still show up and cause cancer in other parts of the body? How can one help their immune system to fight it off as there is no cure for it? I am aware that there are vaccines, that is not going to help someone that already has it. If you have any knowledge, please share it with me. I am not able to get much from physicians, physicians assistants, nurses or the internet. I really am looking for some answers, not just to be put off with politician answers. And for the record, there has been no sexual activity for 3 years.

2007-05-04 13:21:31 · 3 answers · asked by Hot Coco Puff 7

2007-05-04 13:11:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-04 09:05:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-04 08:26:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

cancer or increase the chance for it to occur in the right? Yes, I will ask my Dr. the next time I'm in his office but in the mean time I'm asking someone that may know this here.

2007-05-04 02:49:10 · 6 answers · asked by COblonde 3

My daughter has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer for the 2nd time in her life. First time was when she was 5 - she endured 3 years of Chemotherapy and pulled through and was in remission for 9 years. Last May she was diagnosed again - with her 2nd brain tumor. She has NO friends because of her condition - other kids are afraid to approach her - nobody knows what to say th her. She is still in High School and has another year left - due to all the time she missed from her illness. She receives Chemotherapy every week - and has 29 more weeks to go. Her father has remarried and told her that he has a new life now and barely spends time with her and told her to grow the hell up already because she cries when he does not want to spend time with her. LOSER - - - Her step-father is wonderful with her. Any ideas on what to do to make her summer fun. Can't go to many public places like the beach or a public pool for fear of infection due to chemo. Any suggestions are MOST welcome.

2007-05-04 01:57:16 · 12 answers · asked by Perfect_Brat 3

I want to know more abount the treatment inrespect to radiation and chemotherapy.

2007-05-04 00:03:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If i thought i had cancer would i be able to tell if i feel ill or sick before hand, because i have a small feeling that i have testicular cancer but i feel 100% healthy, if i did have cancer would i feel ill?

2007-05-03 18:21:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the foreign schools and universities they are studying in their own languages . i think so they can understand well by studying in their own languages. but here in india in the universities we are studying in english, if we study in our own language it will be better know?we can understand much more better?

2007-05-03 17:58:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-03 13:23:38 · 1 answers · asked by Celia 1

I just got off the phone with my radiologist. I have tested positive for breast cancer. She is ordering an MRI and a PET scan. What can I expect with these two tests? How much discomfort is involved. I'm to get an IV for the MRI and an injection for the PET...

2007-05-03 08:30:02 · 6 answers · asked by janice 6

2007-05-02 21:25:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-02 18:48:20 · 2 answers · asked by Steven A 1

2007-05-02 17:11:51 · 1 answers · asked by chiropracticguru 1

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