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Singles & Dating - 12 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm a very shy 20 year old college student. Between August and December I was depressed alot about being alone and how I am. After Christmas I went on the first date of my life, but the girl and I ended up not clicking so I'm alone again. I haven't really been depressed (except for one time) since the beginning of the year, most ly because I've been ignoring all that kind of stuff. Tomorrow I will see people with flowers and balloons and stuff and I need to convince myself that It's ok that I'm alone.

2007-02-12 08:42:31 · 1 answers · asked by Wocka wocka 6

because they don't accept their looks or body.

2007-02-12 08:42:19 · 28 answers · asked by curlyloxx 3

I am almost ready to say f*ck it. I don't need a man, right? I can do bad by myself.

2007-02-12 08:41:59 · 2 answers · asked by precious 3

2 weeks ago,a coworker sent me an email that I was too weird for him to be friends with because I was sending him mixed signals. B4 this we had been close for awhile and I told him it was best that we ignore each other so I can get over my crush on him since he already has a gf not in the US . During all of this, he suggested that the best way to get over him was to sleep with him. I thought he really wanted me because he kept asking if I wanted to do it. Then he told me that I should do it with someone else since he already has a gf. I felt hurt and angry since I told him things that I wanted him to do to me. Days later I called him a dog via text since he jerked my feelings around, then I felt bad about it and wrote a letter apologizing to him. Then 2 weeks ago, he looked at me like he wanted to say hi and I emailed him asking him if we could just treat each other civily and say hi. He said I was too weird and that I shouldn't email, text, or say hi to him. I haven't but he looks.

2007-02-12 08:41:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I slept with a girl from work, and now I regret it. I thinks she wants a relationship, but I'm not ready for that now. How do I let her tell her this without hurting her feelings?

2007-02-12 08:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by chadesius 2

I went out on a date with this guy I was completely in love with when I was 16 (5 years ago), and he was a total idiot! He couldn't stop talking about himself and he sounded like a 14 year old! He has a giant ego, and went on and on about everyone on earth having egos, except him! I felt so misserable the entire time and now I just feel so embaressed for ever liking this stupid, immature guy. Plus, he's about 5'1'' and looked like he weighed about 120 pounds! Why do I feel so insanely embarassed? Shouldn't I find this thing funny and laugh it off? what's my problem?!

2007-02-12 08:40:53 · 3 answers · asked by Jess S 1

2007-02-12 08:40:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

like i posted on facebook that i was psyched to hang out with our mutual friend tom this weekend. my ex was very angry about it(in that tom went to visit me without asking him) and didnt talk to anyone for a whole day. so now he blocked me i guess he doesnt wanna be influenced by my actions and me. do u think does that mean he still cares about me? is there a chance for him to come back?

he broke it off with me. we've been together for a year, long distance.

2007-02-12 08:39:50 · 5 answers · asked by little asian gal in cresent city 2

Im a good looking guy that plays the violin, speaks 3 diffrent languages, very intelligent, and a water polo player. My locker is right next to one of the prettiest girls in the school. Since she is so pretty, she gets alot of hellos, see ya's, you look this that and so on from other guys. Recently she has been interested in a guy that is mostly into her becuase he thinks he might get some(if you understand were I am going with this). Well, hes been visiting her for the past week or so, and she has shown interest in him. After I asked her about him she says he is only a friend. Turns out after about 2 weeks, he got tired of her and found a girl that gave it up to him. lets say this girl next to my locker is named Cindy. So, Cindy is now mad that he has done this. I tutor cindy sometimes, and was wondering how i could get involved with her. Does anyone have any suggestions or help? all comments an questions are welcome. thank you so much.

2007-02-12 08:39:15 · 3 answers · asked by Jaques Cluzo 2

I really like this girl(18) who is visiting from England. She leaves in 5 days. How do I tell her when we are talking that I still want to talk to her after she leaves so that I can give her my email address. I was thinking I awas going to say that should give you my email address so you can show me the pictures you took. We went to New York a few times. Is that a good way to do it? How do I bring it up when we are talking?

2007-02-12 08:38:51 · 36 answers · asked by DJIAE 1

2007-02-12 08:38:45 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6

What would be a great song to let her know that I love her? I would like something along the lines of the Beatles- This Boy, but I have her. Just something moving and powerful. I want to put it on a cd for her and maybe dance to it? ya know?

2007-02-12 08:37:57 · 5 answers · asked by delldude405 3

okay my best guy friend cuzin likes me now i like hm 2 just as much now we dont go out just yet and he wants to have sex now i want to for da very first time in life i never really wanted it as bad as i do kno im not sure wat to b doin cuz he iz not makin do dis its my choice but im to da point im ready to stop bein a virgin iz dat a bad thing??? my bst friends think im stupid for tryin to do dis but i dunno kno should i wait or do i do it help me im confused (just to let u kno i wanna do it honest but before i do i need advice iz dis a good choice or a dumb *** choice and my *** need 2 b waitin up till marriage like most people do )????

2007-02-12 08:37:19 · 2 answers · asked by hootiegurl132@yahoo.com 3

I know sometimes when I'm making out with my bf, he gets really turned on when I stroke his hair or I put my hand on his face. I've kissed his ear...he seems to like it. And I've moved my tongue around his belly button....He really likes it. Is there anything I'm missing?

2007-02-12 08:36:30 · 6 answers · asked by sugar & spice 3

What's your estimate? (preteen to teens)

2007-02-12 08:35:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's in a church group with me and at our last meeting he stayed at my side the whole day and basically only talked to me. We've been great friends for a while but I think there might be more because he fills his emails with stuff that seems romantic to me like "can't wait to see you again" and "constantly thinking of you." I admit I have a bit of a thing for him but I'm not sure if he likes me that way or if he's just a very affectionate friend. Can you tell?

2007-02-12 08:34:40 · 7 answers · asked by Ask Tara 3

I have been married for so long...and now he has moved out and been gone for 2 months...I have children...my own home and a good job...but i'm so afraid of being hurt again....but i want so bad to be happy....maybe i should just give the date thing all up....

2007-02-12 08:34:08 · 9 answers · asked by hurtalloveragainks 1

I could actually sit back at a public place 2 years ago and hear the guy telling the woman I wanted to go out with that I was gay. He was very insistant about it. I think that he and others started this because I decided I wanted to go out with this woman more than the other one that they were already trying to hook me up with. The way I viewed it was...I had liked this more age appropriate woman in the first place before liking the one they wanted to hook me up with and I had made no commitments to anyone so I was a free man. The rumors eventually became coffee shop wide and by my estimates cost me many opportunities to date at least one great lady. The employees had jumped on the gay-train and had lassoed in a few customers as well. It sure was weird. One day this woman comes in and gives me a discreet once over. She asks someone at the counter, "what about him?" This idiot spits out, "he's gay." I was not really attracted to her but, these guttersnipes wrecked me for alot of others.

2007-02-12 08:33:20 · 1 answers · asked by md.pierce 2

There was this guy I just wanted to be friends with. There was no chemistry between us and most of the time I was bored when I was with him. We had very few common interests. One night he told me he wanted to be in a relationship with me. I told him I couldn't. Then he said money would be no option if I was with him. That I could have whatever I wanted. To me this sounds desperate. Why would you want somebody to be with you when it is obvious they are not into you?

2007-02-12 08:33:12 · 12 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 3

Ok honestly...I am a virgin, so I'm kinda clueless when it comes to s...e...x. What's the difference in making love and having sex. Is there a difference? Does sex hurt at all? And come on you guys give me a break...i need serious answers.....no smart mouths plz.

2007-02-12 08:31:22 · 3 answers · asked by **Angel_Eyes** 2

There is a man that I know and he's been flirting with me. My friends say he wants me because they've seen him look at me. He has this certain look in his eye, bedroom eyes.

He's been staring, always talking to me, rubbing my shoulders, arms, back and we've hugged. He saw me wearing really short shorts and he tapped me, smiling. When my friend and I were waiting for something, he ignored her and asked me what we were waiting for. I get jealous when he's talking to other females. I've been kind of ignoring him (looking away from him and not starting conversation) and I can see him looking at me out of the corner of my eyes. Today, I almost ran into him and I apologized. He rubbed my back and watched me walk away.

He invited me to be alone with him for lunch detention (months ago) so I could clean the classroom. That's not what LD is. My friends thought that he was planning to make a move on me so I didn't go. He seemed visibly upset with me after wards.

He's a teacher...

2007-02-12 08:31:14 · 3 answers · asked by darkskinnedxbeauty 3

She is so beautiful and wonderful!! I love her lots!!

2007-02-12 08:30:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and also, do females also get pleasure out of wearing condoms?

2007-02-12 08:30:07 · 11 answers · asked by illwilll1989 1

2007-02-12 08:29:44 · 5 answers · asked by cecilia l 1

but there is this other boy i like and he likes me too is it his fault that he didnt ask me out before the other boy???

2007-02-12 08:28:37 · 3 answers · asked by jessica 1

well i asked her out and she said i'll think about it and then after a week her friends told me she said no. But after that whole thing she began to be really shy around me and we don't really talk anymore. she looks at me alot during class and turns away when i look. did she say no to hide that she liked me? she also trys to get my attention alot. i'm just not sure what to think anymore. does she like me?what should i do?

2007-02-12 08:28:36 · 11 answers · asked by mugiwara luffy 2

my boyfriend of 6 months is turning 16.
i am 13 what do i buy him for his birthday?
and his style is like gangster except hes white lol
and i love him =]

2007-02-12 08:28:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you masterbate at your desk at work? I am a female and I need help on this now.

2007-02-12 08:27:34 · 5 answers · asked by TennesseeGirl 2

Ok...there is this totally great guy i go to school with and a lot of girls like him for him looks. but i think he is a really great person...should i tell him how i feel straight up? I mean i know all the girls that think he's hot and they are really pretty so what are the chances he would like me?

2007-02-12 08:26:47 · 10 answers · asked by bbdoll 1

I've noticed her since October. I will go chronologically:
1. I let her have my seat once, she said "Really? Thank you so much!"
2. She sat in front of me, smiled, asked when my bday was
3. Came up to me on the bleachers, said she thought iw as cool, if i had a girlfriend, what my fav color is.says we're in 1 class together
4. Her and her friend enter the room, point and laugh at me, i ask em why, keep laughing (friendly laugh)
5. I think that she looks over at me sometimes
6. Hear her say "My first and last name" to her friend
7. Doesn't talk to me for 1 month
8. Asks if i was in her class (though shes in the only class ther is, and im not in it) thought that was a little weird
9. Runs in gym class really fast to catch up with me, we dont say a word
10. sits next to me that same day, multiple times, doesn't say a word (we were probably 3-4 inches apart)
11. comes up to me ad asks if she can see something in my hand, does sumthin funny, goesaway
its killin me, ds she lk me

2007-02-12 08:25:44 · 3 answers · asked by me myslef 1

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