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Singles & Dating - 31 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-31 17:22:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my crushes ex are enemies and i swear she only went out with him to make me jealous but now that he broke up with her im scared to ask him out because im not really attractive and his ex mite get in the way please help me!!

2006-12-31 17:22:10 · 4 answers · asked by chelsea c 1

As soon as I left the skating rink a few weeks ago my boyfriend made out with this other girl. This hurts me really because (I dont care what you say) I'm in love with him. I've never said this baout anyone else before... but anyway he calls me, tells me what happened in tears and breaks up with me. He siad he didn't understand how I even liked him, and still love him after that. Main thing: He still says he loves me and when we talk on the phone he calls me baby like he always used to. He's talking about asking me back---- should I? I know I can't trust him that well but I love him SO much!

2006-12-31 17:21:35 · 27 answers · asked by Sha 2

Ok well, the guy i like is now in another state, so i have'nt seen him in ages and supposedly he is only there for a holiday. We have msged and what not and then the otha nite he called me just mainly going on about how great it is over there. The next day he's like you sounded heaps cute and he'll call me on new years. i dont get his motives if he is planning on moving there so he keeps telling me i really dont get it the point in doing anything or even bother speaking to each otha if we never see each other again...just wondering if anyone else had any ideas

2006-12-31 17:19:56 · 9 answers · asked by little_miss_bizaree 1

There is this fantastic girl that I go to school with that caught my attention awhile back. I have never been very good about talking to girls I like, but i find my self always talking to her every chance I get. I think about her all the time and I dream about asking her out. I dont know what to do and desperatly hope that i can get some great advise, but remember, we are only in high school.

2006-12-31 17:19:03 · 11 answers · asked by HelpMe73435 1


ok, well me and this guy i know have a thing for each other. a really big thing. but there's a problem. he'll be 18 in like 2 months, and i'm only 13, and he's leaving for college really soon, like actually, i think he already left, but i haven't been able to get a hold of him. is it wrong for us to, like, like each other, and is it stupid for me to hold my breath for two years and to wait for him to come back from college? because i mean, we really like each other, well i really like him, but he has like cheated on girls before, and i just want to think that he won't do that with me and i'm just really... confused and scared. so i guess my question is, is it wrong for us to like each other, should i wait for him, and how do i know if a guy really likes me, and if they aren't loyal and if they are cheating on me. oh! and plus, like when he officially turns 18 is he gonna get busted for being a pedifile even if we aren't having sex?

2006-12-31 17:18:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

We met online over a month ago. we talk every day both on-line and on the phone. I am planing a trip to egypt in a few months to met him. he has alredy asked me to marry him and i relly want to but i need advice. I love but i really dont know much about him every time i ask he about his life in egypt he tells me all will be explained when i come to him. if there are any girls that have marryed or dates egyptain guy out there any info you would like to give me would be greatly welcomed thanks.

2006-12-31 17:18:32 · 14 answers · asked by starfire 1

there's this boy that i like and i think he like's me too but how can i be sure? i'm too scared to ask him!!

2006-12-31 17:18:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in Cali and it's 10:17pm...where are you?

2006-12-31 17:17:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay me and one of my friends have been talking about taking a road trip somewhere. We plan on getting a hotel and just hanging out for a few days. What could this mean and is this a bad thing to go through with since she has a b/f?

2006-12-31 17:16:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 14 years old im 5'1 tall right now i weigh 97 pounds.

How much do you think i should weigh around?

2006-12-31 17:16:17 · 12 answers · asked by *Glitta n' Gloss* 2

have this guy who
s acting pirculiar... there was one occasion.. that while I was talking to him.. he didn't give any eye contact, the entire time we talked , then I noticed he had his hands in his hoodie pocket, he just acted nervous the entire time, then at the end of the
conversation , he asked me how my christmas was...I I told him it was okay..then he asked so who did you spend it with...And I told him just family. Then the next day, I seen him.then later on, he comes up to me and he's like oh..your face..and I asked what about it, he says..you look so sad...and I really don't want to see you like that and he wants to cheer me up and he asked me what I was listening to on my ipod...and he started cracking some jokes...and then he asked me so when will you be back here at the gym again..I told him probably tommorrow..and he was like well I'll be messing with you tommorrow then..so what do you think? Do you think he's flirting or just being cordial? And if so why no asked out?

2006-12-31 17:15:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because she made me pay for her oil change. I think that was a B**ch move. Was I out of line?

2006-12-31 17:14:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a year ago, a Male friend (X) and i were at college, and we joined a young enterprise group in a local girls college for uni points. a month or so down the line, a new girl (Y) joined the group. i fell in love with her the moment i layed eyes on her and wanted to go out with her.... though she had a BF at the time. so we (Me,X & Y) became friends.
then a few months later (summer 2006), i ended up in hospital and X&Y would visit as friends do.later one evening, when i was out, they started acting like a couple, though they were very persistant in stating that they wern't. i told X that i was uncomfortable with it because i liked her, but he said thats why he dosen't act "coupily". for some reason i made the biggest mistake of my life right there.... i said:
"X, I'm OK With you acting like that with Y".....
anyways, sept 2006, X decides to ask Y to properly be his GF as an 18th birthday pressie and she says yes :(
i felt like crap (still do)

2006-12-31 17:12:25 · 17 answers · asked by seanmccarthyuk2003 2

2006-12-31 17:11:43 · 25 answers · asked by omgew. 1

a boy you like asks you out and says "think about it and tell me 2marow" and when its tomarro he ask you for your answer and you say "yes" and then he said "thats not what i want?" and tells me to think about it more? why did he ask me out to begin with?

2006-12-31 17:08:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

im in a long distance realsionship and i want to get my boyfriend sumthing special for his birthday, but wat do i get him??

2006-12-31 17:05:54 · 7 answers · asked by omgew. 1

That Ionly wanted to see him and onlyhim! Would he be happy?

2006-12-31 17:05:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

with a guy who I am a good friend with??

2006-12-31 17:03:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im going to make this question short, sweet, and to the point. Ive been w/ this girl for awhile now but she says that she doesnt think I care about her/love her anymore. And for the first time in my life, I can honestly say I do love her and care about her more than I care about myself. (And Im a pretty selfish person, so that means something) What can I do to show her that I still care about her/love her?

2006-12-31 17:02:56 · 13 answers · asked by I Hate Liberals 4

I fell in love with this guy and tonight after he already aked me out once. and I said no. Im going to say at 12, Lets go out right now.
Whats the best thing that a girl ever told you.

2006-12-31 17:02:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I told him I heard that a certain circle of females approached me and said that he said that I'm a whore(because they really did tell me this),so I got really mad and offensive(I have to respect myself),so i called him and told I just want him and me to be good friends and explaining to him all the hurt he caused me in our *past*(biggest mistake I know) and about those comments the girls told me.So the the next day i thought it over and told myself that those girls could've made it up,so I called to his number and he didn't answer or hasn't called me ever since.To tell you the truth I know in my heart that he really did have something real for me,because he showered me with affection,his time,caring,and really loving.I let my anger get to my actions,AS USUAL,but this time I let it drive me to do something really regretful.So why would he not get back at me,or should I just wait and see if all he's wanting is space?

2006-12-31 17:02:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if you love that person for 3 years and he or she never noticed you and it hurt you to your heart. What should you do when you can't seem too move on? You have done all you can and you can't break away.., no matter how badly he tells you he hates you and or leave him alone? What should you do?

2006-12-31 17:01:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-31 16:59:55 · 7 answers · asked by Princess D 2

I dont know whether or not to trust my boyfriend, when hes sober for some reason I can trust him, we are never a part so its not like hes cheating now, but every few months he goes back home (another country) for birthdays and stuff, he dont hardly drink but I think if he was drunk and a girl put it on the plate he would take it only because the night we met he wouldnt even speak to me because he was that shy then he had a few pints and he wouldnt get off me! what do men think?

they always blame drink for cheating but I know its a load of bull so I want serious answers, if you were drunk so you feel more brave and some slutty girl came on to you, because you was with a girl you loved... would you pass or go for it?

2006-12-31 16:59:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-31 16:58:53 · 10 answers · asked by tashina s 1

Met this guy at a club one nite when i was determined to get a kiss from a stranger (it had been a loong time!!). Ended up with a sweet guy..and in bed! Thought that would be the end of it, but there's some attraction there so have had a few more sessions. I'm suprised i have some feelings for this guy, but he's 25, i'm 34, and he's not looking for a relationship, just sex. Sometimes i'm tempted to stay around just for the sex but its different for me, feelings can grow... What to do?

2006-12-31 16:55:06 · 26 answers · asked by w2000 1

2006-12-31 16:54:54 · 18 answers · asked by kady 1

my boyfriend but we are very shy

2006-12-31 16:53:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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