I recently took a flight to the annual Jar Jar Binks convention in West Horton, Ohio. I did not want to pack my Jar Jar costume as it is extremely expensive, but it wouldn't fit in a carry on, so I had to wear it. First, the search at the airport was a human rights violation. The airport security was very rude, and made me give up the two blasters I had on, then got mad at me because of my elaborate costume, saying it took so long to search it held up the line. Then when I finally got on the plane, the stewardess said I couldn't wear my Jar Jar mask, and the two people sitting next to me (I was in the middle), grumbled because my costume took up too much space and had stuff sticking out. After takeoff, I got in the aisle, put on my mask, and danced and yelled to entertain the other travelers. The stewardess tried to stop me but I ran screaming down the aisle, and then dove into a bunch of peoples laps. I was restrained for the rest of the flight. Do you think I can sue for harrasement?
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Jar Jar Binks Molested Me! Help!