Here's the deal: I - by choice - have not dated anyone in 4 years. The last boyfriend I had and all the games he played almost killed me, after all the other bad choices I've made in my life. So, I pretty much have decided that love is not worth it, and I don't care if I ever meet another man (and no I'm not gay).
I, when in a relationship or dating, am a VERY passionate person, but I've given up on the thought or hope that I will ever again be in a position where I even WANT to be dating. Has nothing to do with sex, that's an entirely different story (men will know what I mean). I always want sex, I just don't want the annoying person around afterward. And it seems like when I "act that way", they get all clingy and crap, and that makes it even worse.
I've been engaged twice, never quite made it work out, so now that I am alone, other than hanging out with my friends, what do I do? Is this normal? Sometimes I really want to hold someone, but then, that whole annoying person thing.....
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