ive been with b/f 2 yr.he's been divorced 8+yrs,they were on and off again ,even though shes remarried.Not since i am in pic.she cheated in there marriage and got preg.she could have got a paternity test done ,refused and claims lover is father he signed papers as father,now shes with his cuz.she was comin to my b/f ,her ex hus. when havin trouble in relationship.they were goin to get back together several yrs ago cuz she says the kid is his not other guys.yet no pat.test has ever been done ,llegally ex lover is on birth cert.its in his mind it could be his kid she has him brainwashed its pathetic and has wanted money in past ,yet hasnt proved its his or not,put him down as dad on another kid that wasnt and proved it wasnt ,he doesnt stand up to her and i get mad.whats it gonna take to solve it ?shes not thinking about the kid,she would of had pat.test done 8 yrs ago.he only sees kid on her conveinience says kid looks like him on eye color cuz other guy has bl.eyes and she does 2
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