How do you know when your boyfriend is hiding somthing from you?
nothing in particualar its just we've been together for 10 months now. Hes 24 im 19, we see eachother 3 or 4 days a week.
When i meet him around xmas he was making $1000 a week , he works for fedex, he would go to bars at least 3-4 times a week, go to partys alot, smoke pot everyday.
This was in the first 2 months of going out together. Then i got pregnant and miscaired , i cheated on him with one of his friends, his other friends got involved in our buisness , but they also knew what i did and didnt tell my bf. So he doesnt trust them as much as he did. He kept me lost the guy i cheated on him with.
But then when he found out i was pregnant he stoped going to partys, stop going to the bars 4 times a week, stoped hanging out with alot of people, deleted a bunch of girls numbers.
My boyfriend told me when we met he was suicidal before when he was 17-18 and then last month he mentioned he went into his medicine cabinet one day and took all the medicine he had, plus 6 percs.
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11 minutes ago
then 2 weeks ago when i was telling him my brother in law can get information on people from his friend thats a cop or somthing , he then started saying , o just to let you know incase he ever decides to look me up , i had a warrent out for my arrest.
but i think it was dropped
11 minutes ago
should i be worried? i dont know if hes hiding somthing else
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