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Global Warming

[Selected]: All categories Environment Global Warming

I know that we clear cut forest for paper (we also do it to build these nice suburban nations), and since forest absorb carbon from the atmosphere why can't we use hemp as a source for our paper. you can farm it just like cotton or any other plant. Would this help matters at all is my question or would having to use resources to farm it be more costly than cutting down forest? I know you can use hemp to make paper and other things and it could be quite affordable and reliable.

2007-11-20 04:41:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am sick of the cold weather in the north. I want to increase global warming so it's not so frickin cold here. I already own a diesel car and a car that gets really bad gas mileage, any new ideas?

2007-11-20 04:20:27 · 18 answers · asked by en tu cabeza 4

I asked a similar question earlier, but didn't phrase it very well, so let me try again.

There are 2 common arguments that CO2 can't be causing the current global warming. The entire arguments are that

1) CO2 can't be causing the current warming because it only comprises 387 parts per million (ppm) of our atmosphere, or 0.00387%.

2) CO2 can't be dangerous or a pollutant because it's 'plant food.'

Well, some plants eat arsenic:


And the scientific consensus is that arsenic is toxic at 10 parts per billion (ppb), or 0.0000001%.


But I'm sure it's just a hoax. Nothing can be dangerous at such low levels.

So I ask the anthropogenic global warming doubters - if I gave you a glass containing the same concentration of arsenic as the atmosphere contains CO2 (387 ppm), would you drink it?

If not, will you accept that CO2 *might* be causing the current warming?

2007-11-20 04:08:49 · 16 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

The news is now showing new information that shows completely different temperature data.

When given two sets of contradictory data, how do you choose which one to believe? Do you just accept the UN's report because it comes from the UN? Or do you accept data that fits in to what you already believe? Or if you have conflicting data, do you hold off making a decision until more studies are done to determine which one is right?

I'm confused. You can find anything on the internet to support what you want to believe.

Picture of the new temperature graph:

Full report:

Raw data file:

2007-11-20 03:28:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, this is an issue with AIDS where the UN scientist overestimated the problem and now have to back track on the extent of the problem.

While overestimating may have seemed like a wise action during uncertainty, the wrong data skewed funding decisions, and obscured lessons on how to slow the progress of the disease.

The UN is being accused of fluffing the numbers to gather financial and political support.


Could the same thing be happening with global warming? Could the scientist be overestimating the problem as a measure of caution? Could this fudging of the data interfere with finding viable solutions for all sides?

Or is the UN using global warming to gather political and financial support like it did with AIDS?

Shouldn't we just wait until we have a better understanding of the problem?

2007-11-20 02:48:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

is any body really concerned bout global warming.does anybody know wat will be its disastarous effects.if yes has anybody taken any step regarding this.our planet is dyin.carbon gases and green house gases are increasing.anybody listening.

NOW PLZ dont say tat there is no such thing like global warming.caz i will slap tat person very hard for his/her poor G.K.

2007-11-20 02:33:09 · 19 answers · asked by apoorv 2

are you saying its okay to continue to pollute the air and water?? what about the increasing rates in asthema and childhood cancers?

2007-11-20 01:57:32 · 15 answers · asked by CF_ 7


Remember as a child when you broke the ice on a frozen surface. Just like when a ship plows through the ice cap on our planet does it speed up the melting of the ice cap?

2007-11-20 01:12:21 · 6 answers · asked by bear5521 2

Oil from coal technology has been around for 70 years and costs about $30 a barrel. The USA has many time more coal then the middle east has oil. Tapping this technology will end our dependence on OPEC yet we are crippled by "envirnmentalist" with shadowy funding determined to put a stop to this viable energy source. This foolishness could be the end of America as we know it.

2007-11-20 00:18:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's a list of temperatures from NASA. I just don't see where the warming is.

From this data it looks like there was more warming in the 1920's - 1940's.

And it was just as warm in the 1930's as it is today.

So what is all the panic about?


2007-11-20 00:01:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are ur veiws on global warming? i'm surprised to actually think that people are too naive to think that its not our fault.

2007-11-19 20:17:45 · 24 answers · asked by Hymns For The Non-Believer 3

i need information on this topic. Anyone know about the causes, effects, consequences, solutions, prevention, definition of global warming? Give me some information on this, thanks!

2007-11-19 18:21:52 · 8 answers · asked by Greez 2

Don't people realize RealClimate.org is owned by a public relations firm?

Check this out.

Environmental Media Services is listed as the "registrant organization" which means they own it. Arlie Schardt is the man behind EMS and he is the former communications director (PR guy) for Al Gore's presidential campaign in 2000.

EMS is closely allied with Fenton Communications, a large for profit PR firm. They share the same address.

Plus RealClimate still publishes the writings of Michael Mann, the pseudoscientist who was responsible for the Hockey Stick.

So why do people still link to RealClimate? Don't they realize how discredited they are?

2007-11-19 18:01:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two common arguments we see that CO2 isn't causing global warming are that it's 'plant food' and that it only comprises a small fraction of our atmosphere (387 ppm, or 0.00387%).

Well, some plants eat arsenic:


And arsenic is toxic to humans at a concentration of 10 parts per Billion (0.0000001%).

So I guess if you're not worried about CO2 you're not worried about arsenic either. Right?

2007-11-19 16:55:22 · 12 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

Most people say they are ready to make personal sacrifices – including paying more for their energy – to help address climate change, according to a new BBC World Service poll of 22,000 people in 21 countries.

In all countries majorities agree that in order to address the problem of climate change it will be necessary for individuals in their country “to make changes in their life style and behavior in order to reduce the amount of climate changing gases they produce.” On average 83 percent say it will be necessary with 46 percent saying it will be definitely necessary.


How about you? Will you pay higher energy costs and reduce your energy consumption to address global warming?

2007-11-19 16:33:34 · 18 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

I am confused. Everyone says we are causing the warming, but, looking at this graph, I see that there was also drastic warming from about 1910 to the 1940's. Since everyone agrees man is not responsible for this warming, what caused it? And if it was able to cause it 70 to 90 year ago, how do we know it is not the same cause of the current trend?

2007-11-19 16:31:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone who has ever studied this report and not laughed their a$$ off? He actually claims to be able to know the temperature (to within tenths of a degree) 500 years ago by studying tree rings? I mean COME ON! Did it ever occur to him that trees only grow during the early spring to summer periods. Or that trees do very little growing in the winter (6 to 7 months out of the year in many parts). Or maybe during a particular year, there was a drought which caused minimal growth, even though temps were high. Or how about the fact that night time (half of most days) is not represented as trees do not photosynthesis without light. Did anyone ever think about this when he first introduced this "ground breaking" report?

2007-11-19 16:16:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do people justify asking to have Bush Admin. sign the Kyoto Protocol, when it came out in 1997. For those of you not paying attention, Bush was not President then. Bill Clinton was President, and Al Gore was VP. And yet, Al suggested that the U.S. NOT sign the treaty. Also, the Senate voted 95-0 to NOT sign the treaty. If these people are so convinced we are killing ourselves, why did they not sign the protocol back in 1997. And can they really complain of others not signing it now when they did not sign?

2007-11-19 15:59:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why not run a computer model and tell us what the climate is going to be next month and prove all these "skeptics" wrong?

Then tell us what the climate will be three months from now, six months and a year from now. Once you show then that climate increases with co2, and co2 is increasing, so temps will be considerably warmer, you'll shut these pesky neo-cons up for good.

Should be a simple task, after all the computer models are very accurate and we have a very good understanding of the climate.

2007-11-19 15:19:44 · 12 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7

Im not asking any specific question. I just want to know what peoples opinions about global warming and climate change is. Is it really happening? Is the sun just fluctuating and sending out more heat? Is it part of the Earths Evolution? Or are the gases in our Ozone Layer doing it? What do you think about it?

2007-11-19 13:21:25 · 10 answers · asked by musicrosedove 1

Bob's avatar has taken to wearing a hat !!! http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Ap5nFo5kwsKRTe4pJLaoOwgS.Rd.;_ylv=3?show=7a1a4586cbdfad0a780847164818434aaa

Surely if the world was warming up then his avatar wouldn't need to wear a hat. This is the best proof ever that global warming is false, it sure beats all those other claims that people make.

This is definitely the most conclusive, reliable and scientific evidence yet. What do you reckon?

Apologies to anyone who is not a regular in the Global Warming section, you're probably scratching your head going "what the.... "

2007-11-19 12:39:24 · 11 answers · asked by Trevor 7

2007-11-19 12:32:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

In providing evidence to refute global warming it's been claimed that sea levels are falling - I beleive the figure is 35cm in 150 years. If true, where is all the water going?

The seas and oceans cover 375 million square kilometres, removing 350mm of water means that hiding somewhere on the planet is 131,250 cubic kilometres of water - the same as 271 Lake Eries or 27 Lake Michigans.

I'm not aware that lakes have been springing up all over the place or that there's 31.5 metres (100 feet) of snow lying on the ground (that's the depth the snow would be if all the water fell as snow in areas where snowfall occurs).

Maybe the water never left the sea in the first place and it's all a mistake based on an erroneous bench mark carved on a harbour wall in somewhere like Tasmania. Maybe that one measurement is wrong and the thousands upon thousands of other ones are right.

What do you think? Where is all that water?

2007-11-19 12:16:17 · 17 answers · asked by Trevor 7

i messed up on my last question

2007-11-19 11:46:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-19 09:29:19 · 21 answers · asked by Hi 2

totally simple english please:)

2007-11-19 09:04:36 · 8 answers · asked by Hi 2

humans? Or by other forces of nature?

2007-11-19 08:12:52 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

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