If the black man decided that it was okay to heckle a comedian on stage, and use this commedian's past and career as a means to attack and insult him, then why is it so much worse for Richards to fight back in a way that he too saw fit, to insult the man back by saying things in turn, that may not have been right, or even true for that matter but equally as hurtfull none the less?
Maybe that man isin't a N***** But who was this guy to yell out during a show (that just so happens to be another mans job.) and make rude comments against him in any way. Show some decency and some respect!
I think it stinks that he got into trouble! He was goaded and should not apologize! Racist or not! We have all said things to defend outselves under duress that we do not ourselves agree with under normal circumstances. They are making a pariah out of him just for defending himself and it's just not right.
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