I've tried google, dogpile, astraweb and a host of other search
engines, and I can't find any info on this song, which I got off of a friend's ipod. (they don't know anything about it either, but
unlike me, they don't care). It is rock or alt., sounds British (male), mid-tempo. Lyrics include the following (it's quite sexual, though certainly not pornographic. I'm skipping some of the more R rated references):
"Some say that man isn't capable of love, just domination, and bestial lust. I don't know if that's true. That can't be all that we do. "
The refrain includes: "Desire....biological, Desire....so insatiable, Desire....it's only natural. It won't leave me alone..."
"Now penetration's not all that it's about. That stuff's for youngsters, and religiously devout. I need something more to feel. And I've got missionary zeal.."
I can provide more lyrics, but I figure those are unusual enough that someone out there might know this song. Thanks for helping out!
1 answers
asked by
Elizabeth J