OK, the first one is that song they played for the first PSP commarciel, in which a boy is walking down the street and randomly starts dancing and turns into the various characters in the games for the PSP. Then, he turns back to normal and sits on a bench that's against a brick wall. The second on is that wierd song that they play in that commarciell for the car called the rabit, in which two of these small cars drive by a road, and in the backround there's a hummingbird sipping nectar. Then the two cars go into the city, where they're chased by a bunch of dogs. Then when the dogs disappear, all these rabbits (the car I'm talking about, not the animal) pack the city to a point where none of them can move. And all the while there's this wierd music playing in the backround about happy stuff. LIke, "Oh the birds and the bees, are flying in the trees..." Basically verses like that until a trumpet comes in. I don't really like the theme. Just the beat. Real catchy. Well, catchy to me.....
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