...as most old school martial arts / chop socky film fan well know, the background music of many of the classic martial arts films from the 70's & early 80's, is borrowed from other films (especially American films), or synthesizer instrumentals. I am looking for the title of a piece of music from Jackie Chan's classic film, "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow". Remember the scene where the old master, whom Jackie's character was kind to, left him a book with some martial arts teachings? Then he goes out to a stone court area, in the back of his house, and finds the foot steps for a kung fu routine, marked off in chalk? And as Jackie's character attempts to practice the moves in the book and the chalk markings, the background music is a piece of synthesizer music written by the Euro-synthesizer rock group Tangerine Dream, which I had heard before.....but to this day, cannot remember the title. Rather than drastically buying the entire TD library, perhaps someone out there can help!!!!!!
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Fright Film Fan