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Movies - 6 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

i remember andy was a killer hunting a boy trough the desert the boy fought back with a sling shot ,and used bullets asammo for the sling shot ,any help i wuld really be thankful for thanks for the tim your taking

2007-04-06 08:50:55 · 4 answers · asked by carebear_2154 2

that one movie where he dies and finds a body and dies again and finds another body.

2007-04-06 08:41:47 · 7 answers · asked by Seismic Toss 1

i like ghost rider most.

2007-04-06 07:31:34 · 17 answers · asked by ARVINDER 2


2007-04-06 07:26:20 · 59 answers · asked by PARVINDER 1

In your opinion, that's came out or suppose to come out this year.

2007-04-06 07:24:17 · 19 answers · asked by Kreutzer 4

that movie is like, THE BEST MOVIE EVER? what are your opinions. the cast back then was pretty hot also. i thought Ponyboy was the cutest though...
The MAIN characters
Ponyboy- C. Thomas Howell
Sodapop- Rob Lowe
Darry- Patrick Swayze
Two-Bit- Emilio Estevez
Dally- Matt Dillon
Cherry- Dianne Lane
Johnny- Ralph Machhio(sp?)

2007-04-06 07:19:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw the trailer for it and it was about a missing girl. What happened to the girl?

2007-04-06 06:27:05 · 9 answers · asked by percysmate 2

Please tell me why as well.

I have a few:

King Kong
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Yaaaaawn)
Jersey Girl
Pretty Woman (or anything with Julia Roberts in....urrgh!)
All of those stupid Teen Slasher movies..."I know what you did last summer" etc...

2007-04-06 06:25:04 · 26 answers · asked by Next evolutionary step... 6

here is what happend ... it's a war movie and a color one...John wayne is kind of a high ranked officer and lead the battle.. i think enemy is japanes..at the end John wayne party won.. but after the won war and while they sit to rest a one survived guy shot John wayne. and he die..thats the end.. and thats all i can remeber. pls if u know the name of this movie . let me know....thanks

2007-04-06 06:19:12 · 8 answers · asked by amindaie 3

2007-04-06 05:32:09 · 23 answers · asked by simon p 1

This film is a true story about an american female teacher who is married to a guy called ruben. She frequently beats up her husband and threatens that if he ever has an affair she would kill him. I think ruben was a maintanence guy and he meets a lovely lady while doing work on her house and yes they start an affair, she finds out about this and true to her word she has him killed. She manipulates some of her male students into murdering her husband promising them a payout from his life insurance, they shoot him in his own house while the youngest child is there. They all get convicted of the crime and o is she evil !! I remember seeing this shown on sky some years ago and desparately would like to know if i could get a hold of it but need to know the name first, if anyone can help, GREAT!!

2007-04-06 05:08:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

mine is connorey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-06 05:03:23 · 29 answers · asked by claire s 2

My mom is making me take my sister to it today. Is it any good? Will I be bored out of my mind? Should i bring a magazine?

2007-04-06 04:49:58 · 1 answers · asked by edingo 5

What was the best acting performance in a film by a male AND female actor?

2007-04-06 04:30:01 · 8 answers · asked by jr1984 3

The posters would look like these.

I laughted so hard...

What do you think about these?

Click this site


2007-04-06 04:22:38 · 3 answers · asked by davegesprek 1

I'm starting to think that remaking older movies is best thing out there. Some of the new movies are just plain ridiculous. Yes there is occassionaly a new good movie like a Harry Potter. I recently saw a preview for a movie called Grindhouse. Far as I know that's not a remake. The movie looks pretty stupid. It showed a woman missing part of a leg and she had a gun sticking out of it. Sounds stupid to me. So would you rather see more remakes or new ideas for movies?

2007-04-06 04:20:21 · 27 answers · asked by mastaace46 1

So far none of Indian films which are block busters in India have made any significant achievement in oscar awards.

2007-04-06 04:19:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

So far none of Indian films which are block busters in India have made any significant achievement in oscar awards.

2007-04-06 04:18:01 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-06 04:14:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-06 04:09:23 · 15 answers · asked by unknownsoldier1st 3

What was the movie?

2007-04-06 04:01:06 · 64 answers · asked by Stormy 3

ok, futuristic sc-fi movie where and A.I. force of sorts kills people with circular saws and blades of different kinds. The only scenes i can remember are at the start. Some guys are approaching a base 'Where is all went wrong' and these saw blades come out of the sand and kill them. Also there is a scene where two actors are smoking yellow cigarrettes that have to be smoked to remove radioactivity from there lungs. Also the final scene, the main character escapes from the planet in a pod.. but you can see a little Doll that has the evil A.I in it behind his pilot seat.. that all i can remember. Thanks for any help

2007-04-06 03:41:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell me your thoughts? I watched it, and was pleased overall... But I wonder how much of it was true.... 300 Vs. that many.. come on.....

2007-04-06 03:34:34 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. November 4

I want to find films that can be compared to "Fight Club", possibly related to split personality or some sort of emotional breakdown causing a person to rebell against the society or even commit sucide? It will be better if the films use similar filming techniques, like the narrating method and end with a twist. Any possible solutions? Thanks a lot!

2007-04-06 03:09:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

mines are we there yet but whats yours

2007-04-06 02:34:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really wanted to watch 300 yesterday and then my mom didnt wanna watch it and my brother, who is 17 wanted to watch TMNT and i am 15. but then he decided he wanted to watch 300, too. So when we go to buy the ticket, there is a real bitchy prep from my school who sells the tickets. my mom tries to say that im 17 while my brother is 18 and we had to show ID. and it didnt work obviously.so she says I have to be 17 or i have to have an adult with me. My mom bought my brother a ticket for 300 and i had to watch blades of glory. Im telling you, i would rather watch more violence than more sexual references. My question is- What are the rules of rated R movies in the theater? How come I can't watch a rated R movie with my 17 year old brother and why cant my mom buy me a ticket just so I can?

2007-04-06 00:39:30 · 6 answers · asked by mel 3

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