have you ever liked a guy and wanted to tell him but never got the courage to do so?
I did, i had the hugest crush on this guy and i was almost 100% sure he felt the same... and i still am... but since none of us both never had the guts to tell eachother how we felt.. (and trust me we had countless "moments"... that we could of) we missed the chance of ever knowing... do i regret not telling him yes, and im going to but im also scared of putting myself in a vulnerable situation where the person who i care about the most may end up hurting me.. and there is always that chance... and then again if you dont risk you get swalloed up by life... i go by that motto... so... whats you guys advise on this? how should i say it? ... have you ever been in a simiular situation?...
and no one could really say no because we all liked a guy, whether we approched him or not we have all wanted at some point in our lives to tell him... so ya i know there are gonna be the girls who say well usually a guy asks me out.. and ya that happens to me alot... but usually its because they ...
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