During the early 00's, I remember a children's TV show that came on at around 5-7 A.M. (EST) on TLC every morning (Before or after Pappyland). I cannot remember all of the details about it, but hopefully with the information I can remember, you can let me know what the title of this show was.
Here is the gist of it.
The host's of the show were a friendly Asian lady and a Jamaican man. The show was kind of similar to Barney in that the kid's on the show were there to do fun projects and possibly sing as well. Except I do not remember anyone being in costumes and acting too silly.
I used to love the projects featured on the show, as they were clever and original. Now I just can't find out what show it was.
If anyone can remember the title of the show, or the names of the hosts, it would be extremely helpful. I don't think it comes on anymore, unfortunately.
Thanks a lot for your help, I'll be waiting.
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Other - Television