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Entertainment & Music - 19 May 2007

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Celebrities · Comics & Animation · Horoscopes · Jokes & Riddles · Magazines · Movies · Music · Other - Entertainment · Polls & Surveys · Radio · Television

ok when i was about 4 my family was in the car driving to NYC. Me and my brother were in the backseat eating candy, and my brother just popped in a hard candy Lifesaver. He didnt no he had to chew it and swallowed it whole! He started yelling to my mom. My mom told my dad to pull over. We were in a traffic jam too. We were just in front of some stores and my mom and brother scramed into the food store and asked wat they should do about my brother. The keeper of the store that day said that they should get bread and milk to push the lifesaver down. And now i know why Lifesavers were and are called Lifesavers. My brother got to breathe only because of the hole in the middle of the candy. Thank the lord.

2007-05-19 04:12:21 · 12 answers · asked by <3 ily 2 in Polls & Surveys

I don't mean the spinoffs. In X-Men the Last Stand at the end he moved the metal chess piece without touching it after being cured wich hinted that his powers will be restored in a fourth. Says Ian Mckellen who plays Magneto on his website mckellen.com . There is going to be an X-Men 4 but the Wolverine and Magneto spinoffs will come first. In X-Men 4 with Magneto with his powers back what do you think he would do? Would he continue his cause and get back with Pyro, Juggernaut, and some new Brotherhood members (remember they hate the humans soo much) Or something else. Please tell me your predictions.

2007-05-19 04:11:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

A store that sells husbands has just opened where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men. The store is composed of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights.

There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building.

So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?" So up she goes.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.

The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?" And up she goes again.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking.

"Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?"

The fourth floor sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework.

"Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight.

The fifth floor sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak.

"Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be awaiting me further on?" So up to the sixth floor she goes.

The sixth floor sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 6,875,953,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.

2007-05-19 04:11:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles


Joe grew up in a small town, then moved away to attend college and law school. He decided to come back to the small town because he could be a big man in this small town. He really wanted to impress everyone. He opened his new law office, but business was very slow at first. One day, he saw a man coming up the sidewalk. He decided to make a big impression on this new client when he arrived.

As the man came to the door, Joe picked up the phone. He motioned the man in, all the while talking..

"No. Absolutely not. You tell those clowns in New York that I won't settle this case for less than one million.."

"Yes. The Appeals Court has agreed to hear that case next week. I'll be handling the primary argument and the other members of my team will provide support.."

"Okay. Tell the DA that I'll meet with him next week to discuss the details.."

This sort of thing went on for almost 5 minutes. All the while the man sat patiently as Joe rattled instructions. Finally, Joe put down the phone and turned to the man. "I'm sorry for the delay, but as you can see, I'm very busy.

What can I do for you?"

The man replied "I'm from the phone company..I came to hook up your phone."

2007-05-19 04:11:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles


2007-05-19 04:10:42 · 12 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4 in Movies

I suspect that she might have been a mail order bride.What do you think?

2007-05-19 04:08:50 · 11 answers · asked by Candi Apples 7 in Reality Television

2007-05-19 04:06:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

How come there are AAA, AA, C & D batteries but no B batteries?

How am I going to get my cloning machine to work?

2007-05-19 04:05:21 · 13 answers · asked by MomToDavid 5 in Polls & Surveys

preferably rock, alternative, or something similar...
please give artist name of cover and of original with song title

2007-05-19 04:02:47 · 14 answers · asked by Joshua U 1 in Other - Music

Q: If there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside ?
A: K9P.

Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy ?
A: She's withholding evidence.

Q: What's the difference between light and hard ?
A: You can sleep with a light on.

Q: Why is sEx like a bridge game ?
A: You don't need a partner if you have a good hand.

.Q: What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common ?
A: Their balls are just for decoration.

Q: Why don't blind people like to sky dive ?
A: Because it scares the crap out of the dog.

2007-05-19 04:02:28 · 16 answers · asked by eff_few 2 in Jokes & Riddles

apparently women would share with their best friend but men are less likely to ever share theirs, would or have you shared a toothbrush.

2007-05-19 03:59:24 · 74 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

about falling for a married women........and shes falling for you

2007-05-19 03:59:24 · 10 answers · asked by AHHHHH!!BLARG! 2 in Other - Music

I used to love those things, and loved chewing the wax too.

2007-05-19 03:56:57 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Not the WIZ and not WICKED... The WIZARD OF OZ!!!!!

2007-05-19 03:56:52 · 20 answers · asked by ♥ Molly ♥ 3 in Movies


2007-05-19 03:56:24 · 34 answers · asked by astra 5 in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-19 03:55:55 · 29 answers · asked by Charlie Bravo 6 in Polls & Surveys

Should I be rough tough an macho..
Or should I just be the soft tender sensitve puppy lover romantic guy that I am in the inside

2007-05-19 03:55:52 · 16 answers · asked by ? 5 in Polls & Surveys

Any good movies involving road trips, being chased on the highway, being in middle of nowhere, etc. Thank you.

2007-05-19 03:55:43 · 11 answers · asked by ohio1973 1 in Movies

flashed any body parts to someone,
attacked an old lady,
ate your homework,
and still had time to eat dinner?

2007-05-19 03:54:25 · 17 answers · asked by <3 ily 2 in Polls & Surveys

Your car mpg as well if you do not mind if it's no bother

Im in South Georgia gas is $2.90
Im driving a 2002 Corolla getting anywhere from 25 to 45 mpg depending on my driving style.

thanks for answering this poll

2007-05-19 03:53:47 · 15 answers · asked by Thang Mit 2 in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-19 03:53:36 · 36 answers · asked by Banshee 7 in Polls & Surveys

I don't know about where you live but, I live in arizona and it's early in the morning about 8:30 and i just woke up.
i am wearing a plain white shirt and my little sisters gym shorts.

2007-05-19 03:53:14 · 45 answers · asked by veronica b 1 in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-19 03:53:14 · 20 answers · asked by N/A 3 in Polls & Surveys


2007-05-19 03:51:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

please post

as in like, u were suppose to go somewhere and they had'nt caled yet: so u think maybe its a sign...

Or you made plans for new years, and that does not work out, so you think that its a sign...

2007-05-19 03:50:48 · 7 answers · asked by Franky 1 in Polls & Surveys

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