am working on a script and in my mind I want to create an epic action hero with cult classic undertones synonomous with Pulp Fiction, Indiana Jones. The character is male and of an older age (young enough to be Hollywood star) say about 40 - 45. i.e I want him to really feel the pain when he gets hit, falls etc instead of a spring chicken.
The plot outline is a slightly more modern world. Crime is rotting the city our plot centres in. This crime is neither explained nor justified and only offers a setting. The police are moving through the city and although they resembles any average LA cop they move with Terminator precision. They are strong and powerful (is it too much like Matrix?) this is attributed to their training and not any software program. Our heroes situation involves him with local gangs and of course he beats them. He is fallible and is wounded often. Meanwhile the cops contiue to eradicate crime as well as the few innocent amongs the poverty ridden favelas
4 answers
asked by
John M