Why is it that when I say at school, "P.O.D. and is Christian" everyone stares at me like I'm an idiot. And when I walk into church with "My Obssession" (This is a song by Skillet if you don't know) blaring in my earphones, all the old church folk get this look and tell me to turn it off. I say, "It's Christian music, what's problem." They don't believe me and say, "well that doesn't sound like Christian's"
Is it really that hard to believe that Christains can and Know how too Rock. I guess they get the Idea that Underoath is "too cool to be Chritsian." I get sick of having to explane this to everyone that Christian rock is not lame. There was one kid that was playing "Boom" (by P.O.D.) as he told me that he hated Christian rock and how stupid it was. When I informed him that he was currently listening to Christian Rock and likeing it. He got this look as if he was about to kill me. Then tried to tell me that P.O.D. was not Christian. Why don't people think christians can Rock?
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