As much as I really like Maury, do you think its fair that there should be an automatic daddy/baby DNA testing once the baby is born? Get the child's weight and measurements and finger/foot prints, then swab its cheek? I think its fair. Because it would save a lot of men from child support (the ex wife not mentioning she cheated) and it would save a lot of money from DNA tests later in the future. So when that child looks into that man's eyes and calls him daddy, he can have the peace of mind knowing that the child is truely his. Im for it.
Laying in the hopspital, waiting on contractions to get heavier before they gave me an i.v., a woman was about 10 feet from me (we were in a triage waiting for rooms to open) when her man walked out on her saying he knew that child wasnt his (it wasnt even born! it was about to be!) and it just made me think "if there was an automatic DNA testing at birth, he would know. No fuss, no wondering. Just the truth.
Give me your opinion.
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