Hugh Noel Ike: Jess Sy Whit-Avery's Paul-Cybil Bud Avery Ward Gus Toby Anne-Em. Kyle-Ike Ahmad Gabriel-Lee Bud Moe Percy Noel.
Wendy Wards Spain Moe Dan Juan-Em, Hugh's Dasha's.
Top line is:
"Can you make an answer all of peoples monikers?"
details line:
"You know like: just say whatever is possible but every word gots to be a name. Kinda like a mad gab really but more personal."
(Yes I know I said "gots to be". You can take liberties if you gots to. We're very lenient with grammar, sentence structure etc. Also you can put an apostrophe "s" on the end of a name)
the second paragraph (line) of details:
"When the words span more than one name, use dashes."
See how easy it is? But it takes a while, like this question took me twelve years to write and it's a little hard to understand, that's why I had to translate it, but it's done all with names! That's what makes it such a worthwhile thing to do! Do you realize how useful this skill could be in life? ...Me neither.
4 answers
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