1. Catholic Bishops are allowed seven of them, Priests five, and ordinary people one; what are they? -
2. If a train leaves the station at 2:00, traveling at 60mph, what time will it be after it has traveled 150 miles?
3. What twelve animals are featured in Chinese astrology?
4. Name 4 sources of renewable energy?
5. Months of the year that begin on a Sunday (other than February in non-leap years) always have five Sundays. What other notable feature do they (including all Februarys) contain?
6. Which nation was the first to give women the right to vote?
7. A father took his son to the hospital for emergency treatment after an accident. The doctor greeted them, but on seeing the boy, exclaimed, "I can't operate on him - he's my son!" How can this be? (The son was not adopted nor a step-son.) -
8. What product has a secret ingredient code named "7X"?
9. Translate: " Amor est vitae essentia "
10. What does "Floccinaucinihilipilification" mean?
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