I am a school psychologist working with a family with a foster child (been with the family since 8 months) that has some unique characteristics. She is 2 1/2 and her birth mother used alcohol and drugs during pregnancy. She was born at 25 weeks. She has received speech therapy and now is up to speed and her intelligibility is great. The problem is that when you ask her a simple verbal question that she knows, she does not respond, BUT when you have a visual cue such as looking in a book and asking her what a picture is, she will respond. She has difficulty responding without a visual. If you ask her brother's name etc. she will not respond. But, she will talk freely on her own with no problem. She also does not talk alot in her play. Her teachers also report that is takes her awhile to process a direction at times (a lag in processing time). She also "freezes" and stares when someone new enters the room or is in a new situation (no other signs of anxiety, just freezes & stares). Help!
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asked by
Kelly A