In 1550, John Napier was born in Merchiston Tower, Edinburgh, Scotland. He attended St. Salvator’s College in the University of St. Andrews at the age of thirteen, but before he could graduate he began to study abroad traveling to a number of European countries. He was the father of twelve children; two were born from his first wife and the other ten from his second. Although he was best known for his inventions in mathematics, for example, logarithms and “Napier’s Bones/Rods”, he spent most of his time studying theology, physics, and astronomy; math was only one of his hobbies along with farming.
John Napier published a paper accusing the pope of being the antichrist when, in fact, a lot of people thought of John Napier as a warlock, or a servant of the devil himself. This could have been for a numerous amount of reasons. Most would say it’s because he always had greener grass than most, or how he detected a thief with a black rooster. - go to my next question for the rest plz
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