Hey,friends,I an a English learner,and I meet some problems, our teacher ask us to explain following sentences, would you please give me some help, thank you very much,and it will be better if you send the answers to my Email box, scsw1122@yahoo.com.cn
1.Do to others as you would like others to do for you.
2.Two are better than one....if one falls down,his friend can help him up.
3.If it's yours,take it,if it't not yours,leave it.
4.Today is a brand new day, what are you going to do with with it.
5.If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.
6.Today is the best day,and tomorrow will be even better.
7.Students who can accept correction are on the path way to life, but those who ignore it will lead other astray.
8.How do you live you life when nobody is watching.
9.Dreams are not something to wait for, they are something to work for.
10.You are available. Don't let anyone make you believe differently.
11.Don't wait opportunity.
12.Success is measured by effort.
13.You never know what you right learn.
14.The hand of friendship has no color.
15.Don't get left in the rain.
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