I work as a teacher. I teach Spanish, French, English, and Japanese. Over the years I’ve gotten A LOT of cassettes to teach languages. I check every week at Barnes & Noble and Hastings. But for some reason, the content from the courses that used to be sold about 10, 15 years ago was a lot better than what’s coming out today. I love cassettes, I have 20 year old cassettes, and they work great, even after years of being left in the dust before me getting to them, and adding to my teaching material. CDs suck, if a CD is ever left on the dust, it’ll get scratched, I can’t imagine a CD, being forgotten for 20 years, and still be working.
I’m not a big fan of CDs, but I want have some sort of backup for all my very hard find cassettes.
4 answers
asked by
Document Guy