i read someweres recently more then likly a friends gaming magazine that the showdown right now is wii and the ps3.
the article broke down like this. ps3 is a iffy bet on how long it will continue to do well. if blueray technology falls through(which it may do simply because of all the bugs ascoiated with the technology) then the ps3 may very well disapear. the xbox 360 got off to a poor sales start but seems to be hanging on. admitedly they still have one round left in their ammo belt. the highly anticipated Halo 3. which could make the 360 a powerhouse
now a relative newcomer is the Wii. boasting unique desifn and a very impressive game line up. it will either dominate or fall quickly.
byut hey what do you all think?
please not ps3 for life cuz 360 is gay stuff.
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