IAs you may or may not already know…this year’s daylight savings time change is going to be bringing a lot more with it than just more sunshine.
Basically, since all computers are set for the standard days for switchover to daylight saving time, all computers either need a patch or need to be manually updated.
For all of our retainer clients, all of the information listed below will automatically be taken care of as a part of your monthly service.
For all of our block client accounts, it is imperative to make sure that the following items are addressed, to ensure that all the operating systems and effected applications are patched.
Workstations, laptops and servers:
--All Windows XP computers need to be upgraded to SP2, and a patch for the DST change needs to be applied
--All Windows 2003 servers need to have a patch for DST applied.
--All Exchange 2003 servers need to be SP2 and the DST patch needs to be applied, Exchange 2000 requires a special utility to modif
2 answers
asked by
Royal K.