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Other - Taxes

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Taxes Other - Taxes

I heard it was up to Euros tenthousand . Any views ?

Theoretically of course you should be able to carry as much as you like as we do at least nominally have pretensions to being a Single Market ( Jacques Delors initiative back in 1992 ) ?? -- or has that all petered out ??

2006-09-15 23:53:33 · 7 answers · asked by RayP 1

2006-09-13 11:01:28 · 6 answers · asked by abcfamilylover 1

2006-09-10 07:40:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

just got my tax bill & i'd like to compare my tax to those of houses around me & others in my town.

2006-09-08 00:12:15 · 7 answers · asked by ralphie1037 1

im getting a car

2006-09-05 09:05:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


what are the penalties for monetary theft?
a friend of mines offered to put my tax refund in her account and after a year it was said it was not deposited...after contacting the IRS I discovered it was deposited in her husbands savings account not shortly after we first filed my taxes! I was so shocked that it had been there all that time!
well she told me that his savings account was closed, which means my money has been spent. she doesnt want to give me my money now. I definitely cant afford it but, cant I take her to court? is there a penalty for monetary theft? Is this considered tax fruad? Cant I sue for that? Any helpful information about this situation will be greatly appreciated

Im so confused and dont know what to do.

2006-09-01 00:55:12 · 8 answers · asked by mistymorning119 2

Just want to know if those hippocrites(the feds)tax our severance,because I know they don't get taxed!!!

2006-08-30 05:20:50 · 6 answers · asked by bigearl518 1

My husband is a fisherman(self-employed). Does anyone have advise on exactly what things I can deduct.

We buy this clothes from the thrift store is that deductible?

2006-08-25 10:49:40 · 1 answers · asked by yo-yo 2

I am thinking of suing the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Does anyone here know how to do it, preferably without an attorney (at least to start off). Ten points to best answer! Thanks!!!

2006-08-24 11:03:15 · 6 answers · asked by Paul H 6

2006-08-23 00:47:11 · 2 answers · asked by Mihaela R 1

My fiancee owns 2 pieces of property that have tripled in value since she bought them. However, we will probably sell them within six months to a year after we're married so that we can purchase property in the U.S.

Will the taxes be calculated on the appreciation since she bought them, or since we married?

Background - I live and work overseas and have been for the last eight years. I have no plans to return to the U.S. in the near future and neither will my fiancee.

For those who don't know this: American living overseas have to pay income tax. The U.S. is the only country in the world to collect taxes on citizens living/working overseas. Further, foreigners marrying them have to pay taxes effective from the day they get married. And that's without even a guarantee that the spouse will be issued a visa to come to the U.S.! Expat Americans (and their spouses) totally get a raw deal!

2006-08-22 04:39:53 · 1 answers · asked by henrytut2 2

2006-08-21 06:15:36 · 2 answers · asked by doctor asho 5

I am an English language teacher in China. My employer is deducting 'tax' from my salary, but I susspect is not paying it as she will not supply a 'tax paid certificate. How can i work out how much it should be and find out if it is being paid?

2006-08-20 23:06:42 · 1 answers · asked by mavahill 1

i pay my taxes every year on my car, and the tax people went all the way back to year 2002, and trying to say i didn't pay my taxes
for that year. i know i paid them because evey year i get my car tags i have to pay taxes and than get my tags, because there is a tax block on it. i can't find the receipt
for that year is there any way i can prove this leagelly
, or do i just pay it again. any advice would be a blessing
. ps. they also went back to 1998 tax year. they garnished my wages without ever sending me a bill or anything

2006-08-03 05:30:13 · 1 answers · asked by rosepink 2

I owe for state tax on a newspaper route (machines and dealers not home delivery)which I no longer have but I owe for taxes last year. I have a 1099 from last year which I used for my government taxes and I wanted to know if I could just use that to figure out my state tax that I owe instead of trying to figure out each quarter. I also have to deduct what I was paid from my dealers(7-11, Hess...etc) since the tax was paid on their papers already. I'm trying to get this done easily and quickly. just paying 1 amount would be easiest.

2006-07-29 17:06:08 · 3 answers · asked by tleigh517 2


I am in charge of a small club of college students and we are raising money for an educational trip.

- Do i need a tax id number to get ask for donations from places?
-I heard that you can use your social security number? Is this true? Do you report this on your taxes?

thank you so much

2006-07-29 16:41:50 · 7 answers · asked by here-we-go 2

don't lie

2006-07-29 15:03:10 · 6 answers · asked by kago 2

2006-07-25 09:56:44 · 5 answers · asked by abdul-sattar a 1

A few years ago we won a lawsuit against MSDW for negligance and fraud. I have been contacted by a company that is telling me that we may be eligilble to file under the IRS tax code 165 for a refund of some sort. I'm a bit leary, but of course curious... we were awarded money from the lawsuit but nothing close to what we had lost. Is this a legitimate code and if so could we get money back?

2006-07-24 10:15:39 · 2 answers · asked by mtgonzales 1

i want to buy saunabelt and am in east africa (tanzania)

2006-07-18 23:45:12 · 3 answers · asked by IDONE 1

I'm wondering if I should use Coinstar to convert my change into cash? Is there any other way? 8.9% is a little expensive isn't, especially when im trying to save up some money. Please tell me your thoughts. As always ten points for the best answer.

2006-07-18 10:28:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi in my earlier question, i was answered that duty free means no taxes at all while tax free is just one tax cut...

can anyone tell me what all taxes are not included in duty free and what all taxes are not inluded in tax free???

2006-07-16 00:27:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seiously please.

2006-07-13 11:31:37 · 2 answers · asked by jorst 4

2006-07-06 17:43:27 · 2 answers · asked by angel 1

some say paying taxes where only 60 percent actually goes back to the community and 40 percent to the pocket of corrupt officials encourages tax cheats.

2006-07-05 10:08:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-04 23:00:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous