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Investing - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Investing

the recent downfall of stocks worldwide is considered to be the result of the carry trade with compination of the increase of the value of yen. Can someone explain this?

2007-03-05 02:44:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am conducting a business project, social experiment.
I am playing CNBC's Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge.
I am just looking for quality advice to invest $1 million in the stock market & looking for clean & crisp advice.

Please do not send spam, or links to pay-for-service sites. I just don't have the time for that.
Please provide advice, your answer & maybe reasons behind your answer.
I'm seeking to select 20 stocks today, to either purchase & sell.

2007-03-05 02:41:09 · 5 answers · asked by millionairefaces 1

what happens when my option put expires? do I sell it before the expire date or just let it happen and then what? btw, it is almost worthless now. it expires this month.

2007-03-05 02:30:41 · 4 answers · asked by mimi 1

how many units can i get with $300,000. THANK YOU

2007-03-05 02:26:37 · 3 answers · asked by . . 1

I am in England, I don't mind not making an immediate return and I don't mind a bit of a risk. Ultimatley though, I would like to get as big a return as possible.

2007-03-05 02:15:17 · 19 answers · asked by LogBomb 1

2007-03-05 02:06:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it possible for minors outside the U.S to participate in an investment online company like E*TRADE?
if yes, whatis the minimum amount of money should he have?
is it possible to send the money you want to invest by mail?
any suggestions for investing online in REAL companies(NOT FRAUD!)??
maximum 200 $ to invest
please answer

2007-03-05 02:04:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd like to get opinions & analysis of what would be the best utilization of my money, which is $ 1million.
My goal: I'd like to double the $ 1 million today or by the end of the week.
I'd like to get an answer with a reason behind the decision to invest in a specific stock or diversify into a specific portfolio.

2007-03-05 01:54:46 · 6 answers · asked by millionairefaces 1

2007-03-05 01:45:46 · 1 answers · asked by Sheldon B 2

I'd like to know what stocks are the fast moving ones. How can I figure this out by looking at stock charts. As in Day trading.

2007-03-05 01:34:41 · 4 answers · asked by eirlymeyer 1

So we have a collection of bad economic news coming out of Asia at the moment. I currently own shares in Target, an exclusively American company with no economic sales ties outside of the USA, although I'm sure many of its suppliers produce their products outside of the USA. Still, that doesn't seem to justify a drop in share price of about $4.50 over the last few weeks, especially since Target reported earnings results which exceeded earnings estimates for the fourth quarter and year of 2006.

Can somebody with more knowledge than I have explain to me why all of these things are so closely tied to each other?

2007-03-05 01:18:47 · 2 answers · asked by G A 5

2007-03-05 00:57:09 · 7 answers · asked by Canadian Time Traveler 3

The question reads: The interest rate is quoted 5% per annum with semi-annual compounding. What is the equivalent rate with monthly compounding.
I need to know how to calculate the interest rate.

2007-03-05 00:54:40 · 4 answers · asked by Emce M 1

When we see in the news that 'the market' did something (up or down) there is a tendency for that 'market' to be the DOW (the index)...
Can anyone give me some information as to what impact does this have (good or bad) upon the investing public? Which market(s) are 'the best' at indicating what's transpiring at any given time? What overall data should investors concern themselves with?

2007-03-05 00:53:48 · 3 answers · asked by Munch_101 1

are the returns tax free?

2007-03-05 00:50:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dear sir,
It is really a serious question i am asking through your site that, I am running a cable television in my region and its been now five years of doing so.Now actully my network is very vast and every body is asking me to go with this new venture because, i have all the aspects like we are telecasting the local news every day and all the local flavoured programs are also shown.
but despite these still the question lies that though i am capable of investing capital as much if it requires but really do not know that how start this big business with having bleak knowledge at all. So, kindly guide me into this at the earliest.

2007-03-05 00:33:56 · 1 answers · asked by ROSHAN RAI 1

I the company divides its investment in the small equities, and average or middleclass people can invest the money by buying the shares and this low cost shares will give more chance to get the investment money for the company?

2007-03-05 00:09:02 · 4 answers · asked by chinni 2

I have several stocks which seem to stagnate. I don't lose money, but I don't make a ton of money either. I've owned them for a couple of yrs. What's a good exit strategy for these stocks. My strategy has always been to sell when a stock hits a specific % increase or decrease. Since these stocks don't move much, they never hit my sell criteria. Any advice?

2007-03-04 23:49:15 · 2 answers · asked by InvisibleWar 2

More and more we live in a globalized economy, and all indicators have seen devastating losses by normally stable corporations such as Ford, GM, and others. The stock market crashed in the 1930's, is it possibe the world (as a whole) can crash into a similar economical chaos? Militant groups are out to bring the U.S to her knees, so I wonder if it is fesiable to see global collapse brought on by chaos throughout the world?

2007-03-04 23:32:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Discuss this statement with reference to the main types of mutual funds and their functions?

Can anyone help with what im meant to do? like how i go about it and structure it?

Thank you to everyone who responds

2007-03-04 23:25:58 · 6 answers · asked by ineedhelp!!! 1

In terms of traders, whats the difference between these two jobs? or are they one and the same?

2007-03-04 22:59:11 · 1 answers · asked by AndyCFCO 1

the existing system on the wb site is bad and not direct to the point and hundreds of question excepte when you sleep with your wife so much details needed to enable you find what you want if. your id no. password,date of birth. the state what if i am not in usa to indicate the ste

2007-03-04 22:45:29 · 2 answers · asked by dawudqutubnameq baker hasan 1

2007-03-04 22:33:25 · 1 answers · asked by Chien NC 1

what is the best form of investing to get a good return i have £3000 to invest looking for a good return say after 10 years

2007-03-04 22:31:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-04 22:29:09 · 7 answers · asked by gurukant 1

Sensex is now is downward face and can go it its support of 12200 . well looks gud to buy from there or further slide ?

2007-03-04 21:25:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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