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I'd like to get opinions & analysis of what would be the best utilization of my money, which is $ 1million.
My goal: I'd like to double the $ 1 million today or by the end of the week.
I'd like to get an answer with a reason behind the decision to invest in a specific stock or diversify into a specific portfolio.

2007-03-05 01:54:46 · 6 answers · asked by millionairefaces 1 in Business & Finance Investing

Please don't send links to marketing sites or sites to a pay-for-advice site.
I'm currently doing a social networking experiment & competing in the CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge. I'd like to get real world answers but something of substance catered towards the question. I think it can be done some kind of way & aim to prove this.

2007-03-05 02:32:47 · update #1

6 answers

It is a great question. You can invest your money like me. Login here: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-la_G7tAhcqiwV.dHHBtycJ0E?p=5

You will be able to get the profits within 7 days, when you login to the link given, you will find out that the company is just started few days ago. So, take this chance to invest as much as you can and once you have made your profits you can simply quit.

High return investment will not be last for very long it might be closed once the owner already earn few millions. It is a good opportunity.

2007-03-05 02:02:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Give it to me. :-)

Seriously though, you're not going to be able to double your money today or by the end of the week without taking some seriously heavy risks. In doing that, there is always the chance you'll just lose your million dollars and have nothing to show for it.

2007-03-05 02:00:39 · answer #2 · answered by G A 5 · 0 0

You could take only one or two of those dollars and buy a Mega Millions lottery ticket--Tuesday's drawing is $340 million.....

2007-03-05 02:03:06 · answer #3 · answered by beetlejuice49423 5 · 0 0

Yea give it to me I would put it into Cd's at 5% and live off the interest.

2007-03-05 02:04:12 · answer #4 · answered by jw1269 3 · 0 0

why double and why not $3=$500,000
get more info here:

if you dont like that visit my website for top 2 ways!!!


2007-03-05 02:03:34 · answer #5 · answered by letmeearn123456789 1 · 0 1

whats wrong with BANKS?
patience is a virtue, just wait and your money will be almost
big money

2007-03-05 02:07:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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